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Orphaned Bunny


New Kit
my cat brought in a baby bunnie, a few days to a week at most, in laymens terms, how much in millage
should i feed her/him, and how many times a day, i do have female adult pet rabbits but they're not interested,
but from experience from when one of them had a couple of litters, it appeared as though she only fed once to twice a day!!!
Hopefully someone experienced should be along soon, but there's an accidental litters thread in Health at the top, with some feeding info, and I would expect that you would feed as much as the kit will take, being careful not to force it, otherwise he may inhale some. So let him learn that it's food and take it himself.
You'll need goats milk or kitten milk, these aren't as high fat as rabbit milk so you'll need to do four feeds a day. The amount depends on the age, just offer until they stop feeding. They drink about 1.5-2ml of milk per day, per day of age so a 5 day old rabbit will drink 15-20ml split between four feeds. Use a 1ml syringe and be very careful to do a tiny bit at a time as you don't want them inhaling it.

There is some good information here: http://www.cottontails-rescue.org.uk/handrear.asp

They won't start on solids until about 2-2.5 weeks.