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Mixed sex couple housing


Warren Scout
So there's been a slight update on the litter we are getting our buns from in respect of gender identity, meaning we will actually be getting one boy an one girl. I'm a little confused as to how to house them when we do as I keep finding conflicting information on how to go about it.

I realise we will have to separate them until they have been neutered but should we do this right away or can they stay together for a while first?

When we DO have to separate them, are we going to need a whole new hutch or as it's only temporary would it be acceptable to make up a sleeping area in one end of their run and block it in the middle with some chicken wire to keep them apart?

Then when they are done, how long until we can let them stay together again? I assume this is complicated by spaying usually being done a little older than castration?

Sorry for the mass of questions but I'm quite confused on how best to get them fixed without ruining the family bond they have.
I didn't seperate Levi and daisy. I kept them together and then neutered Levi as soon as his testicles appeared. That has worked fine for me, with no fighting or issues at all but a lot of people on here recommend separating them until they have been spayed. I don't really think you will get a definative answer on this tbh, you just have to make an informed decision based on weighing up the Pros and Cons of the situation and also what works best for your buns based on their personalities.

If you decide to separate them it would definitely be best, if possible to keep them together with just a divide between them so they can still see/communicate with each other as this will help them to preserve their bond.
If you do separate I've heard that they can still *make babies* through wire mesh :roll: so you'd need to put a slight gap then another load of mesh in I think. Other than that separating so they're together would be fine if you decide not to keep them together.
Yep. Weld mesh is stronger than chicken wire. I have heard people say that rabbits (and preditors) can chew through chicken wire.

Dont forget to post lovely pictures of your new bunnies when you get them!!!
Yep. Weld mesh is stronger than chicken wire. I have heard people say that rabbits (and preditors) can chew through chicken wire.

Yup, mine have chewed through chicken wire on more than one occassion :roll:

I personally wouldn't separate. I'd do as Alistar did and have the buck neutered as soon as his testicles descend (about 3 months when the female should be too young to get pregnant) and then have the female spayed as soon as possible (usually around 5/6 months).
Personally I would definitely keep them separate. Rabbits can become fertile sooner than you think and he can actually remain fertile for up to 4 WEEKS after castration.

My Brother and his wife had, what they thought were two girls, until the one pulled all her chest hair out and then they found babies in the hutch - the buns were barely 4months old so must have got pregnant around 3months old. They hadn't really seen any humping going on, or anything. Unfortunately all of the babies passed away within 48hrs (vet said the poor doe had just been to young to have a properly health pregnancy, the kits being inbred would have made it worse and the poor doe didn't understand what to do with them - SIL tried syringe feeding the kits with some special milk from the vets, but it didn't work). Tbh the doe seemed traumatised by the whole thing and despite being neutered, is extremely moody and ferocious - she wont have anything to do with another bun never mind a human since. It was extremely sad.

Based on this I couldn't personally take the risk when I got my boy and girl, so I kept my boy and girl in totally separate housing until after they'd both been done (doe was done less than 4weeks after the boy was) and they bonded really easily.
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Thanks for the advice everyone. I think all things considered I'm going to play it safe and keep them separated for a bit then.
Going by rough calculations the , once we've had Tifa spayed, Cloud's boys will have been off for long enough to be safe and they'll have been separated for about 4 weeks so how long after the spaying until its OK to start popping them back in together without risk of stitches getting damaged?

Also, while they're separated, is it ok to let them have supervised play time together? I don't know how long it takes rabbits to mate so is it too quick to let them roam the garden together and separate them if they get frisky with each other?
how long after the spaying until its OK to start popping them back in together without risk of stitches getting damaged?

Also, while they're separated, is it ok to let them have supervised play time together? I don't know how long it takes rabbits to mate so is it too quick to let them roam the garden together and separate them if they get frisky with each other?

I asked the vet at Poppy's post op check up how long to leave it before attempted bonding and I cant remember now how long she said to leave it but I'd just check with the vet at that appointment.

I didn't let mine run around together, (I think they can "do the deed" rather quickly, so I didn't risk letting them loose together), but as they were both comfortable sitting on us (me n hubby) for a fuss, we both picked a bunny up and sat next to each other and let them cuddle up next to each other.