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Has anyone got a bunny-safe baby stair gate thing?

We got one from Argos, was about £22. The bars are small in the middle but bigger on the sides. You could always add a bit of mesh to it anyway :)
I'd go with attaching some mesh or a panel to a normal gate too - Alfie's managed to squeeze himself through the bars on a pet gate before. :roll::lol:
I'd go with attaching some mesh or a panel to a normal gate too - Alfie's managed to squeeze himself through the bars on a pet gate before. :roll::lol:

When we first put a baby gate up at what was then Smudge and Nutmeg's door the first thing Nutmeg did was waltz straight through it, barely touched the sides :roll: So we put up one row of panels (small hamster ones) and one day I caught her sitting ON the panels between the bars of the gate! I think she even surprised herself with that one :lol:
Guardman (garden supplies) do plastic coated mesh panels in white that are 2'x3', I chopped one into sections for our baby gate. Means it looks quite neat.