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How much water intake is normal?


Young Bun
Hi :wave:

Pudding is a dwarf lop and drinks between 500ml - 600ml per 24 hours, is this normal? Or does it sound too much?
My previous bunny hardly drank alot.

I have noticed he has drank more since I have been weaning him off unlimited pellets (as he is was a baby). Now he is an adult, I gradually decreased the pellets and his intake of hay is high. He has always been a good hay eater but he definately is eating even more hay now and grazing throughout the day, so perhaps this has affected it?

thanks very much x
i have 2 mini lops who tend to drink 2 bowl fulls in 24hours, though most of that s drunk straght after eating there morning pellets thing they like to wash them down
We have buns that will clear a 1.1lt bottle in 24hrs some that will do a 600 over night, and some that drink next to nothing x
Mine drink about 500ml between them per day (their bowl holds 1l and they drink about half a day). The average intake is 100ml/kg/day so a 2kg bun will on average drink around 200ml. This is more or less spot on to what mine drink because between them they weigh about 5kg.

Diet makes a big difference though. Bunnies that are given a lot of pellets will drink more because pellets soak up a lot of water, try dropping one in a small amount of water ;) bunnies who have access to grass or get a lot of veg will usually drink less. Bunnies who eat a lot of hay may drink more. If the levels are a lot more than that though its a good idea to get it checked out in case there is something going on.
thanks everyone.

I meant to mention, he is an indoor rabbit, so I am wondering if it can also get too hot for him if the heating is on
They do drink a lot more when they're indoors, about 3-4 times more I noticed when the heating's on!
I've turned the heating down quite a bit in my room so that it's not so hot for them. It's still warm in here because we have a coal fire and the chimney is part of one wall and it only has half an external wall (I know that sounds odd but it's true!). Doesn't seem to make much difference on their water intake.