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Hutch recomendation for 4


Warren Veteran
Wanting to buy a bigger hutch and run for 4 rabbits.
not sure where to look.
has anyone else got a recomendation for a large hutch and run
Rydale I suppose but they're quite expensive and I don't know what size they go up to. What about a shed/run? Or someone who could build one for you? :wave:
where it would be a shed would be to tall as it would be situated under an apple tree lol.

i could do an avairy and playhouse or playhouse and run.

or large 6ft triple hutch and run.
not a clue about where to buy from.. x
where it would be a shed would be to tall as it would be situated under an apple tree lol.

i could do an avairy and playhouse or playhouse and run.

or large 6ft triple hutch and run.
not a clue about where to buy from.. x

I see :lol: that's a problem then :lol: when we had Poppy outside she had a 7ft double hutch, it cost around £110 for my dad to build, maybe someone on eBay builds custom hutches? Or do Happy Hutch do that kind of thing? Not really sure lol :D

A playhouse is a good idea though :D
Some of the dog runs aren't too tall, ours is only 4ft tall. Mine wouldn't be long enough for 4 rabbits but I'm sure you could find one that was :)
How about a well sized play house with a nice big run attached so there is plenty of running space for 4

Or how about a long dog kennel type thing? Ask around, see if someone will build you something to your specifications :)

Good luck :wave:
You should try The Rabbit Hutch Shop they actually sell the winner of the RWAF hutch and run 2011. Its great value and they do offer discount codes... check out their FB page for the codes! :D
what have you got at the moment, miss floppy? Use what you have as a base to save money and build on it, some people here havegreat ideas for adaptation esp if you can show us a picture?
If you want to invest in a good quality hutch then I thoroughly recommend a kernow hutch, you'd need to collect from Cornwall, but they will last for 10 years and he custom builds them. I have three kernow set ups giving each set of my buns 90-94 square foot each. My largest hutch set up is an 8 foot by 3 foot double storey, and the runs are permantly attached.

From my experience I wouldn't give them a run of less than 9 foot as it gives them plenty of run length of get up to speed and if the buns are a medium size give at least a minimum run width of 6 foot unless Netherlands, more if they are a larger breed otherwise they can only run the length to do a binky and can't turn or hop around unless at a slow speed.