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Simba, 1 year on


Wise Old Thumper
It seems so much longer than 12 months that I lost my baby boy.

He had spent the first year of his life in a tiny hutch, never let out and not fed and watered on a regular basis.

His owner wanted to get rid of him and the other 5 rabbits she had. The others found homes so we decided to adopt Billy.

We renamed him Simba and we had him neutered and bonded him with Tinkerbell. They never had a cross word, a match made in heaven.

He was always shy, never confident but would always bound up to you, helicopter ears flapping, and would do anything for a piece of banana!

He got sick with what we thought was snuffles. It got progressively worse over a few days and turned out to be pneumonia. He couldn't breathe and we sadly let him go to Rainbow Bridge.

I can't believe it's a year since I saw your beautiful Brown eyes and stroked your little mane.

I hope you are sleeping tight, little man, we will never forget you.
I am so sorry, I know how hard it is but you gave him a wonderful life, big hugs to you x