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Mama Doe
Run free little one.

You were only with me for a short while, but you succeeded in charming me totally with your beautiful blue eyes.
I knew it was bad news when the vet phoned. My heart sank. You had passed away just as you came out of the anesthetic despite the vet trying to resucitate you. I wish I had been able to show you that rabbit life could be better than you had known before but although you had more space here with me you were alone as I had to separate you from your mother as you weren't a girlie, even if you were pretty enough to be one. I knew you were lonely which was why I wanted you castrated asap so that you could either go back with your Mum or find a diffierent companion.
Have fun with Scoot, you don't need to be lonely any more.
Oh I'm so sorry. I was heartbroken when I read the post where you told the story of how he passed. He was a beautiful bun.

Rest in peace, binky free xxx

Auntie Louise :) Like I said before Yarrow is now with me and I will show him the ropes and were to get the best carrot tops 8)

Please don't be sad, he is having a fun time here with me :)
Good old Scootie, eh? :wink: I am so sorry he had to leave us so soon Louise, he would have charmed the socks of everyone I'm sure! :wink:
Im so sorry for your loss, He was gorgeous, Im sure he'll be a little heart breaker amoungst the ladies up there :wink: xx