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Yaaaayyyy - we've bonded Finlay & Arthur - piccies of the best buddies!

Hello am a bit new to these threads but how long did it take to bond them, they look so happy together xxx:p
:lol: and we all knew he would be staying :)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I thought that all the babies would be staying. :lol::lol::lol: As we said before, three out of four is not that bad. (I would have kept them all. That's why I would never foster!)
:lol::lol::lol::lol: I thought that all the babies would be staying. :lol::lol::lol: As we said before, three out of four is not that bad. (I would have kept them all. That's why I would never foster!)

:oops::oops::oops: Me thinks I've been sussed! :lol:

Mark will ban me from RU or 'fostering' any more buns before much longer :roll::lol:

Hello am a bit new to these threads but how long did it take to bond them, they look so happy together xxx:p

These 2 literally took one trip to the vets in the pet carrier & overnight in a neutral pen :D Within 1 hour of being back from the vets they were firm buddies. They've both been tearing round the living room at break neck speed - I think little Finlay has given Arthur a new lease of life :love: They make me laugh so much :lol:
Wow that is great, i thought that was what i read but wasnt sure if i had missed some of the thread somewhere. That is great hope it happens for me too xxx