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Would a chicken water thing work?


Warren Scout
Looking for way in which to water my rabbit. I broke thier dog bowl and i keep breking the water bottles :lol: It was heavy and i dropped it on the pavement on the way to their shed and then the bottles, i have 4 giant ones and trying to take them back when they are all wet and slippery wasnt the best. The nossle broke off hahah.

I have loads of spares (i seem to need them all :lol:) was wondeing if a chicken coup waterer thingy would work? its plastic, i know but they did have a plastic veg bowl for a bit (when i dropped the pot one! :lol:) and they never chewed it :) if they did i could always take it away.

You put the water in, fix it and then turn it upside down and it has water all the way around.

Will they be able to get their head in do you think? because then they will have constant acces as i am pretty sure they wont drink it all and several times a day i could just fling out the gunk and then just clean it properly once a day. Do you think they would tip it over? Looking in wilkos lol the new bowl is £2.49 and the chicken one is £2.99 so not much price diference, which one do you think will be best?
It think they'd chew it or throw it :lol:

You could try a metal dog bowl, they bounce okay ;) Coop cups is another option, they have a hook for attaching to the mesh so sort of like a built in handle.

Or maybe get a basket for bottle/bowl transportation. If you look in the garden section they have plastic trugs which are very handy for transporting bunny stuff, empting trays into, carrying loads of hay etc.
It think they'd chew it or throw it :lol:

You could try a metal dog bowl, they bounce okay ;) Coop cups is another option, they have a hook for attaching to the mesh so sort of like a built in handle.

Or maybe get a basket for bottle/bowl transportation. If you look in the garden section they have plastic trugs which are very handy for transporting bunny stuff, empting trays into, carrying loads of hay etc.

Haha I'll have to try the metal bowl :lol: but thaught it would get colder much quicker in winter. The basket sounds a good idea just when im rushing i dont always think to grab one lol but new idea! I'll get a plastic jug to fill the the bowls ahhah thanks xxx
I have a water dispenser which is similar to what you described. You fill up the jug part, put on the bottom, turn it over and the water fills up the bottom part (sorry not a very good description). I really like it as the water weighs it down so they can't move it around, and it tops itself up as the rabbit drinks so it stays fresher :)
being a keeper of both chickens and buns, I don't think the chicken version would provide enough head room for a rabbit to access the water but as animal mad above said, you can get them for other animals which dispense the water into a bowl rather than the narrow 'trough' you have round a chicken water dispenser xx
I use one of the chicken waterers you've described for my buns. You have to make sure that you don't get the small one though as the rim that holds the water is not wide enough. If you go to a farm shop, you will be able to find one that is suitable. Hope this helps :)