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Words cannot describe how awful I feel. closure post 167

Ali, i have just made up a very quick missing poster u could use, just adding in ur number if u wanter to stick some around the area today.

I dont have ur number or anything but if someone can let u know, if u want i can email the poster to u?
so sorry to hear this..try not to blame yourself as I'm sure we have all had accidents like this....i pray you'll find her safe and well hugs x
Try putting mum out in the garden but in a crate (just incase baby shows mum her hiding space) hopefully baby will come to mum. Can people get in your garden? Is it possible someone has been in? Please dont blame yourself, accidents happen:wave:
thanks all, mum is running round the garden and the family have been moved to the bottom hutch. it is at ground level so the wee one can cuddle through the mesh if she appears through the night. We have lifted decking, hutches and toys, searched with torches and put out food. i have spent time looking and time on my own just listening and watching. I am so worried, a fox or cat could easily have lifted her i am sure. All the folk who live in the estate are find of the bunnies and stop and chat because i often have some out the front in a run. z they know me add thebunny lady and if anyone finds her i will be the first pretty of call, i always am when strays appear.
Is it possible a child/teen broke in and took her? Would it be worth putting a lost poster outside the front of your house with a reward given notice on it?
Ali, i have just made up a very quick missing poster u could use, just adding in ur number if u wanter to stick some around the area today.

I dont have ur number or anything but if someone can let u know, if u want i can email the poster to u?

Thank you, have pmd.:love::love:
It's really touched me this, you must be frantic :cry::cry::cry: I will be hoping very very hard that you find her x
could she be in the house?

I did wonder but no one had been outside till I went out this morning. I checked them and gave them all tea at 9 last night. I was the last of the family outside becausewe all went upstairs to watch a film together. I was the first down this am. I noticed the hutch, which is 4 ft up because they were in the top, had one door open. I then started the search. It is odd only one was out though, the babies have tried jumping from there before.

I have left foods, waterand treats inside a box in front of the rest of the family's hutch in the vain hope if she turns up she will stay close.

I so appreciate all your support, it means so much to know so many of you arethinking so much about the wee soul. I do not know how I will ever get over this, I am such a :censored: idiot.:censored:
*squishes tight* I really hope she is found/comes back :)

Try not to beat yourself up (which I totally get is easier said than done). All you can do is learn from it and do everything you can to find her- which you're doing.

All fingers and paws crossed this end.
Oh Ali, you must be so distressed.

I really feel for you. Let's hope that the little darling is somewhere safe in/on your property. Otherwise if she has wandered off, some kind person will return her to you.

Please don't give up hope yet.

Wish I lived closer as I'd be there helping you look.

Come on little sweetheart wherever you are......Mummy needs you.

Oh and .....you are NOT a:censored:!!!!! You are fantastic.

Things do happen. I'm sure many of us have also had such worrying times with our little furry friends.
I did wonder but no one had been outside till I went out this morning. I checked them and gave them all tea at 9 last night. I was the last of the family outside becausewe all went upstairs to watch a film together. I was the first down this am. I noticed the hutch, which is 4 ft up because they were in the top, had one door open. I then started the search. It is odd only one was out though, the babies have tried jumping from there before.

I have left foods, waterand treats inside a box in front of the rest of the family's hutch in the vain hope if she turns up she will stay close.

I so appreciate all your support, it means so much to know so many of you arethinking so much about the wee soul. I do not know how I will ever get over this, I am such a :censored: idiot.:censored:

awww hun, you work so hard and do your best buy all the buns, you have a lot on your plate and look after your family, your a busy lady. Dont be so hard on yourself. *hug*
When one of my piggies were a baby they got out we searched everywhere and couldnt find them then I laided on the grass crying and saw one of them sticking out of a bush.

there is always hope have you gotten down to their level to see whats in their site?
Sorry, this is my second attempt at replying, but my post disappeared.

You are not an idiot at all - bet not many of us on here who haven't had some sort of 'incident' with our bunnies.

I do hope baby returns home safely - I do feel for you, particularly as I've had a similar experience and know the immense feeling of gut-wrenching panic and guilt.