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Wish me luck


Young Bun
I got a gorgeous new little bun yesterday from a rescue to pair with my spayed girl Cassini. The rescue was full with no room for any bonding so I was allowed to take him home to bond. I have kept rabbits for quite a few years but never had 2 together so am new to bunny interactions and body language towards one another.

We put Cassie in a pen at the rescue and put the little boy (he is 9 weeks) in too just to see how she would respond and how easy the bond would be. Cassini is 10 months and I got her at 8 weeks old from a garden centre and she was all alone then so it is a long time since she saw another bunny. She was VERY wary and didn't seem to know what little Smokey was. She kept running up to him for a sniff then running away scared and thumping. Luckily he was very laid back and just started washing himself and hoping about a bit. The lady said she thought Cassie wouldn't put up with a boy coming on too strong and trying to mount and was surprised that she didn't attack Smokey but said it was probably because he was being VERY un-provocative.

So... we have little Smoke (possibly renamed Hubble) at home with us now in a pen within Cassies home - which is the brick outhouse attached to our kitchen. Last night she was very interested sniffing around and seemed a bit more confident. He just continued to act like nothing was a big deal - eating, sniffing her a little bit. So far there is no aggression and we plan to swap them over for a few hours a day to get used to each others scent and for Cas to see that he's not a threat. In a couple of weeks hopefully we can let them meet properly again!!
No, he is still very small and his balls haven't dropped yet. The rescue said they thought it would be at least another 4 weeks and now was the best time to pair them as due to her personality and fear Cassie would probably react badly to a humpy bunny. I can take him back as soon as he is ready tho to get the op done by their vet, or get mine to do it if I'd prefer.