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Winter Question (already)

Hi Im a newbie so wondered if anyone can help, I have 2 rabbits who are outside during the summer. Last year I brought them indoors due to weather, will i have to bring them in again this winter or is it ok to move their hutch into shed?

Thank you,
If they've been outside all year then they should be fine :wave: they have their coats ready like any outdoor bun so will be prepared :) and if they're in a shed then that will be even better to keep them away from sharp cold winds :) or even better, clean out the shed and bunny'fy it for them so they can keep even warmer by having a whole shed to run around ;)

Just give them extra hay to snuggle into :wave:
Id just suggested your idea to my OH who thinks they will eat the linyo* and wood.. How would I go bout doing that to shed?
Id just suggested your idea to my OH who thinks they will eat the linyo* and wood.. How would I go bout doing that to shed?

You could always get some chicken wire and put that around the wood on the shed as they can't grip properly then :) Or just give loads of alternatives to chew like extra hay, willow toys, apple sticks :) My pair started chewing one corner of their hutch so I put their litter tray (32L storage box) in that corner and made sure it stayed there by putting bricks infront of it :lol: so that might be an idea for the corners :)

Mine chewed the lino in their hutch a few times but they've left it alone ever since :) They may chew it, they may not, but if they do it might just be because it's something new and they want to see if it tastes nice :lol: they will more than likely leave it alone then ;) :D

Here is the housing thread and some ideas for sheds :) I would love a shed eventually, it offers loads of dry, indoor space :)
