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Winter Cover


Warren Scout

Hi all, my hutch/run has a pvc covering the run for when it rains, do I need a thermal cover for the hutch or will a tarpaulin be fine for winter, do I need to put blankets or anything underneath?? Would you cover the front of the hutch up, although this could be awkward as the buns have 24/7 access to the run so couldnt fully cover up for winter, any suggesstions be great. ??x:wave:

Hi all, my hutch/run has a pvc covering the run for when it rains, do I need a thermal cover for the hutch or will a tarpaulin be fine for winter, do I need to put blankets or anything underneath?? Would you cover the front of the hutch up, although this could be awkward as the buns have 24/7 access to the run so couldnt fully cover up for winter, any suggesstions be great. ??x:wave:

argh where did you get those panels from if you dont mind me asking hun? i would perhaps stick another pne of those on the hutch mesh and fleece just overnight
but like you say bit difficult if they have 24 hour access i tuck my buns up before bed so i would just remove and open doors again :love::wave:
Its a man named Alan from CABJ Design, his on ebay, they do made to measure covers, for the run covers it was £75, I was going to get a thermal cover made for hutch but it is £75 as well and wondered if I could do it a cheaper way. I have started to notice my buns sleep inside the hutch more now, not the sleeping area though. Maybe I could put some tarpaulin over the top of the hutch and then like you said I could use one of those panels with a blanket over the front of the hutch and close the door at night, as they are in there at night anyway. I may get a snugglesafe too, do you think that be enough?x Email is cabj.design@hotmail.co.uk if you want covers made.xx