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Wild Myxi Rabbits

We had a lot of rabbits round about my uni once and they got myxi a few times. Back then I hadn't kept rabbits but knew about myxi so when I found a rabbit nearly dead in our garden I had to put it out of its misery but was crying as I did it.

I found a very young rabbit in tharden once too which outwardly seemed fine but it let me approach it. It d very limp so I put it in a card board box with a heat pad underneith it bu the poor mite still died. I've no idea what might have been wrong with it but it was so floppy when picked it up. :(
Personally I fail to see how anyone with an ounce of compassion for living creatures could observe a suffering wild Rabbit and do absolutely nothing.

I totally agree. I was driving along once and saw an injured rabbit in the road. It couldn't move. I didn't care if it had myxi or fleas or even that I had to stop the oncoming traffiic!! If I had driven past and not helped I would never have forgiven myself.

I couldn't personally 'kill' an animal myself, but would not acuse someone who had relieved an animals suffering as being cruel.