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Why have my rabbits started fighting??


I was wondering if someone could give me some advice with regards to my two rabbits.

Fluffy is about a year old and Wriggles is about 8 months old. Wriggles has be spade, but not sure about the Fluff as she was given to me by someone i used to work with.

Yesterday and today they have randomly stated fighting!! They circle each other as if to smell each other but then start scrapping!

They live in separate cages so that's not a problem for now and I'm keeping them apart so as they don't fight.

Its odd as because since Wriggles was done they hasn't been any fighting between them. It does look as if Wriggles is the aggressor.
The most likely cause of your rabbits fighting is hormones, particuarly if Fluffy it not neutered. I would speak to whomever you got her from and then discuss getting her done with the vets. You dont mention when your rabbit was done, if it is very recently, her hormones will not have settled and as she is mature she could still have high levels.

Other possibilities is that one of your rabbits may be ill and therefore less likely willing to tolerate certain behaviours from the other. A vet check may identify if there is a problem.

If you have other rabbits, can they been seen or be smelt by this pair, if they can you need to ensure that they are accomodated elsewhere. Referred aggression is fairly common with people who keep rabbits close to each other.