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which floor


Young Bun
Ginger and Spice have now been enjoying their outside residence since April. The floor of their house is concrete but a bit dusty, so I put a large sheet of wood down. However, now they are peeing sometimes by their hay box. So which does anyone think is the most hygienic/warmer/best for buns..dusty conrete or peed on wood??!!:?:?
How about getting some non-slip lino for on top of either just the concrete, or on top of the wood on the concrete (extra warmth that way).

It is soooo much easier to sweep up and wash down - makes cleaning a heck of a lot quicker :D
How about getting some non-slip lino for on top of either just the concrete, or on top of the wood on the concrete (extra warmth that way).

It is soooo much easier to sweep up and wash down - makes cleaning a heck of a lot quicker :D


i put a chipboard wood floor over the concrete for extra warmth but then i covered it with lino for easy cleaning.
saying that even though it is non slip, Buddy hated the lino so now i have mats down too! :roll:
Ive had lino down but they chewed it all to pieces.!!!!!.The other half is still in the loft, if I put it down they'll chew that as well.. so now what!!??
Safety flooring seems to meet with the approval of our rabbits that didn't get on well with the lino. It's the stuff you get in swimming pool changing rooms, vets, hospitals etc. and is very stiff, hardwaring, non slip and very easy to clean. I have it in all my boarding hutches and most of our other buildings too now.

Brands are Polyflor, Altro, Safetred and offcuts are easily available on ebay.