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When taking a rescue bunny...

Jenefina- Wow thanks, I'll defo look into all of those as they're all really close. :D DO enjoy a bit of retail therapy and if it's for Benjy it doesn't count :lol: Think I'll try megazorb (sp?) as at moment just use wood litter pellets but it seems to get very good reviews on here. I'll finish the stuff I've got in at the mo (it'll take a couple of weeks) then give it a shot.
Jenefina- Wow thanks, I'll defo look into all of those as they're all really close. :D DO enjoy a bit of retail therapy and if it's for Benjy it doesn't count :lol: Think I'll try megazorb (sp?) as at moment just use wood litter pellets but it seems to get very good reviews on here. I'll finish the stuff I've got in at the mo (it'll take a couple of weeks) then give it a shot.

:D no problem!! If you call Michael at Riders North and just check he's got the megazorb in first, if not he orders on a Tuesday and can have it in by Thursday, his number is 01912531114. Its about £8-9 a sack which is a bit more than some but its the only local place I can find it, and if you get it online and cost the delivery price it aint so bad! They don't really do many toys but they do stock some good pellets (not SS tho) and I'm working on expanding his treats section!! Not sure where abouts you would be driving from but they are just past the metro bridge next to strettle memorials.

You should def speak to Nick at Robinsons, he's such a good guy and actually cares about the stuff he sells which makes for a change!! He does pellets and readigrass and some hays, he's also got quite a good treat selection and some good toys and bits and bobs.

Jolleys is good for toys and the odd bits but don't expect much from the staff!! Its just off the roundabout where Blockbusters and MacD's is.