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What veg do you feed your buns?

mine get a medium sized leaf of spring greens, a small piece of brocolli and a couple inches of carrot daily - I picked them some dandelions and plantain this morning as my garden is more like a piece of wasteland than a garden - it has its advantages! When the grass gets long I pick them bundles of that too as they only have a concrete exercise run :)
My Frank loves that dried papaya and pineapple you can get from health food stores. He also like currants and raisins! This is only an occassional treat though due to the sugars x
My buns don't seem overly enthusiastic about carrot would say. I suspect that this is due (being as they're young and yet to taste most of that "safe" yet) to them having this whilst with Mum...This is just my guess but (despite "Bugs Bunny"!) they seem FAR more interested in spring greens, the odd small floret of broccoli and the odd "surprise" tomato...I seem to quite often be retrieving bits of carrot from their "food area" and throwing it out!:?

Mine eat...

Cabbage (although they only like the dark green outer leaves)

They get a small amount of veg in the morning and in the evening too. Along with a tiny amount of pellets and loads and loads of hay.
mine live on hay and veggies and a very little of excel on a night.
but if they have a little at a time and build it up they gradually get used to veggies then they can have them eeveryday. but mine have all grown up and veggies and there meals main is veggies and hay. they probs gget a night a full cabbage 2 carrots 1 parsnip and a bag spinage leafs. but then there is four of the them and they are large bunnies. jess
Every morning mine get a salad with a mix of some of the following...
Parsley, Cilantro, Romaine Lettuce, Mint, Dill, Escarole, Kale, Celery, Carrot, Red Leaf Lettuce, .....I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
They also get a small amount of pellets. Then loads of hay.
Everynight they get a Papaya tablet before bed.
Every evening Bell, T and the piggies get:
Spring greens
Baby corn
Green beans
Sugar snap peas
Strawberry leaves - during the summer
Dandelions - when I can find them
Spinach - couple of times a week
Plum - couple of times a week
Apple - occasionally
Raspberry - during the summer a few times a week
Kale - occasionally
Cauliflower - occasionally
Dried banana - bedtime treat every night
Papaya or pineapple (dried) - treat when I leave them in the morning