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What should I do now regarding bonding?


Alpha Buck
Hi, I need a bit of help with my situation at the moment.

Belle is inside recovering from her stitches, but yesterday we noticed that the other eye was red and inflamed and a stalky bit of hay was stuck in it. (she has a collar/cone on) We took her to the vets and the vet looked at her eye and told us there was a scratch on it from the hay being stuck in probably. Belle has been given pain relief and we are continuing to put in eye drops 3 times a day, but to both eyes now. :cry:

As some may know, her first eye injury was the result of a failed bonding, where the two bunnies ending up full on fighting. I read somewhere that rabbits remember who they fight with.

The point is, I don't know whether I should try bonding again. The reason they fought was because neither was wiling to submit, they both wanted to be 'top bunny'. I could try again, going back to baby steps, but I don't want to go through that fighting again, or get another injury. Maybe they will never be suited to one another? :(

If I do try bonding again and it doesn't work, or if i don't try again, I am left with two single bunnies.(which I don't want to happen) They can't really go back to how they were, because Belle was in temporary accommodation and was going to move into the shed with Fluffy once they were bonded. And I want them both to have company.

I am really at loss. If they don't bond, there is nothing I could do. :(
Anyone? There's a bit of rambling but basically i need advice on whether i should try and bond again and if not, what i should do with two single bunnies.
How do you feel about bonding them?

Is there a local rescue that you could ask about bonding (some do it for you in exchange for a donation, although its usually if you are adopting one from them but not always).

IF the worst came to the wost could you swap one of your rabbits for a rescue one (if a rescue would agree to this) that did bond with them ... Not an ideal suggestion I know.

Perhaps there is an RUer who lives in your area that could come and help??? Sometimes its good to have a bit of support in these stressful bonding situations.
The first thing is to get Belle's eye(s) better then when she no longer needs eye drops you could try bonding them in the area where they would be living. With more space to get out of one another's way, it might work, but you would have to keep a careful eye on them for the first few hours and then monitor them regularly for the next 3 days. I have bonded a lot of my pairs in a 12 x 8 shed, with a tunnel and a few boxes to hide in. Some rabbits are really scared of another rabbit and it takes them time to build up confidence and trust so having more space is not as threatening.