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What nick names do you call your bunnies?

Not realy a sensible name but lics short for Liquorice :oops: :lol:

Or sometimes Sweetie or darling too :oops: :oops:
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Timmy: Eggsy McBibbler (Eggsy)
Max: Coochles McBerry (Coochie)
Mimi: Moomy Mcfuzzface (Moomles)
Charlotte: Shi Shi McGee (Miggers)
Poppy- Poppinfresh, Pompom
Casper- Caspardo:lol:
Liquorice- Licky, Lickapish
Raine- only has Raine :lol:
Pepper- Pepper Pot, Pepper Pig
Frosty- Commador Fluffy Paws and I didn't make that up my brother did:lol:
Treacle... treacy weaks... treacs... treacle weakle :oops:
Sophie..... Soph
Sadie.... Sade...
Bramble... Bumble.... Brambly....
Dylan.... Dill
Daisy.... Daisy doooo

Poppy- Poppinfresh, Pompom
Casper- Caspardo:lol:
Liquorice- Licky, Lickapish
Raine- only has Raine :lol:
Pepper- Pepper Pot, Pepper Pig
Frosty- Commador Fluffy Paws and I didn't make that up my brother did:lol:

Ooooo *Ponders new nicknames* :lol:
Gertie often gets called Zoom.

The cats and guinea pig are rarely called by their real names! :roll::lol:
Molly - Molls, Big Girl
Joker- Jokey ,Jokey Boy
Smokey - Mr Smokey,Big Boy
Mabel-Mabes,Toasty (shes always as warm as toast.):love::wave:
:wave: oooooooooo i have a few :oops:


mad madam mim
sausage muncher (she likes to nibble toes :lol:)


mr fluffs

together they are the bunsters or mr 'n' mrs :)
sox is not very impressed that ive been calling him peanut boy :lol: regarding the size of his bits, peanut sized :lol:
Smudge is Mudgely, Mudge, Gnawy, Thumpy or Tiny Sir
Bramble is Bramley, Brams, Mrs, Humpy or Little Madam
Together they are The Buns, The Kids, The Kits, The Furballs, The Flurrballs or Humpy & Thumpy
together- the munch bunch! lol

honey - little minx
charlie - charlieboy (not that interesting lol) or the hoover :lol: