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what is the best wood sealer to use on a rabbit Hutch?


New Kit
I am Building A rabbit hutch and would like to seal the wood.does anyone know what kind of wod sealer would be best to use that would not harm the rabbits?
Cuprinol do a stain (is that what you mean by sealer) that is pet friendly. I think Pets@Home also do stains too.
Cuprinol Garden Shades, Heritage Shades and Wilkinson Colour Your Garden are paints that say they are harmless to animals. I have used these on my hutches.

Pets at Home sell a wood stain that is designed specifically for rabbit hutches so should be safe.
I was warned off the P@H stain by one of their staff in the shop!! She said it was a horrid colour and stank to high heaven!!!!! (I'd have bought it otherwise) I bought the Cuprinol blue shade in the end.