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What do you do with all your rabbit poo and bedding?

It goes into a brown wheelie bin and then off for recycling!

:shh: Don't tell anyone - but I am naughty and have 2 brown wheelie bins (due to a mix up by the local council) so I fill both up with poop, straw and wood shavings and they both get emptied by the council collectors evey other week! :shh:
Woke up this morning to find that everyones brown bins were out, so i copied and put mine out (full to the top with megazorb, hay and poop, and they took it.

I am now of course very happy. :D
As you can imagine, with 26 animals I have a LOT of waste to get rid of - nightmare! :shock:

Last year I used to hire a skip every 8 weeks and move about 50 black bags from the end of the garden into the skip, dodging the rats, spiders and general horribleness of it all :roll:

Then my savings ran out - 2 years with this lot has eaten a couple of grand! :shock:

So now I don't bag the rabbit waste - I have the largest compost heap in the village! I dump it at the end of the garden, over an area of about 20'x8' and it rots down beautifully (when we eventually get rain :roll: ) and meanwhile the birds and hedgehogs love my garden! :D I use megazorb though - shavings wouldn't rot as quickly I don't think. The binmen won't take it as green bin rubbish (idiotic policy - makes fantastic compost!) It doesn't smell unless we have no rain for 6 weeks - I did start bagging it up again by end of April! :?

I have to bag the pigs waste and put it in the black bin, as there's newspaper to blow around, and food leftovers that they scatter everywhere, so it would attract rats. It's now a joint effort with me, my ex-husband, and the dear old man next door, who very kindly takes 3 bags a fortnight for me :) - we just about manage to keep on top of it!