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What Do You Call Your Buns...

Twinsen gets called huff bum and Patrick fluff bum.

Cloud binkies around when you call him cloudywoudy lol and snoopy has become snoopy monster lol
locksley - babs, locks, lox, locksley pocklsley, locksley pocked brain, fat boy slim :lol:

mabel - mabs, mabel set the table, mabel the sable, bubba
I sing "hey there Barley girl"to the tune of Georgy girl,& sing "Lavenders blue,dilly dilly"to Dill.Barley usually gets called B(ea) or BB.As a baby she was called Tigger or Tig as she was very bouncy.Dill is usually called Dilly,Dillboy,Dilbert or my hubby calls him Dullbert.He's only jealous because Dill prefers the females in our household!:lol:
BamBam - Bambers, Bam Bam Bam Bun or BamBam shift yer bum bum
Summer - Sums or Summy Sums
Chaos - Captain Chaos, or General Dissarray - OH's fault, and because he's the cheekiest, naughtiest bunny I've ever met!
ShyBoy - Sir ShyBoy, Saint ShyBoy, Good Boy, Beauty Boy, because he's an angel!
Roxy - Roxy sox, Rox, Princess Pea, Shredder - due to her constantly shredding the newspaper under her vet bed and putting it on top :lol:

When I tell OH I'm popping out to see them I say I'm going to see the flanimals.
Misty and Fog get called Fatlings/hundlebunnies/bundlehunnies/hundleybuns/fat fluffs

Misty is Mitsy or Mitsy-woo-woo
Fog is Foggle or Foggy-woo-woo

How sad are we?:D