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what do i do if she is pregnant!!!


Alpha Buck
Hi, please advise, as i think my doe is preggers but havnt a clue as to what to do.
I collected her approx 2 weeks ago from a lady who wanted rid as she was "aggressive" and hormonal, but she advertised her for breeding :shock:.
When i collected her the lady said she had to remove her other bun who was a girl from her hutch as she was mounting her. I took her word that this was a female, but today tink (new bun) has made a nest with fur. She always kept an untidy hutch and i thought it was hormones but now im very worried. She doesnt look pregnant, but do does look pregnant???
As for her aggression well she has not shown any signs, she is actually very sweet and placid. So i guess old owner knew she was having babies and got rid... HELP!!!

BTW I am/was planning on getting Tink done, but should i wait now incase she is preggers. She will be 1 in march
If she seems healthy I would just leave her for another 2/3 weeks and hope that no babies come :? If after that there are no babies then it's off to the vet for a checkup and to book the spay :)
Yes she may be having a phantom, if not and she does have babies you need to get on straight away and try and find loving homes for them and get her spayed after, maybe you can keep one or two for company for each other, I would let her settle and maybe get her checked over at the vet, they may be able to confirm pregnancy for you if they have experience. Either way she will need lots of TLC and space, don't interfere too much with her nest, she may need a slight increase in food aswell. If you do a search on babies/litters etc it should give you loads of tips or private message one of the rescue's on here for advice. Good luck x
All my buns go on pregnancy watch when they come in. Ive only had one that hasnt nested at all. Ive even had a male nesting ..... Are you sure she is female? How old is she? To be on the safe side, only peak in the "nest" area, DONT touch. Hope all is well with her either way.
Hello all and thank you for your replies.
Tink is 1 in March (according to person i got her from) and only ever having Bucks before, im knew to female behaviour. I do know that this could be a phantom pregnancy, but im very worried it isnt and i want to provide the best for her.
No, i dont know 100 percent, that she is female, as ive yet to take her to the vets. I was going to this week but ive been ill so i will at first oppertunity.
Also my neutered boy wont go near her. I tried bonding before i knew she was nesting and they got on then suddenly Benjy didnt want a bar of her and im wondering if that could be because he senses she is pregnant.
Its cold at the moment and im worried will kits survive in this weather? as they pedict more snow. Should i bring her in just incase?
Do you have a garage, shed or conservatory you could put her in? You need to make sure the temperature change isn't too severe or that could be harmful.
It could be a phantom, then again it might not. Does her belly look a bit rounder? Are her nipples swollen?

My advice would be to leave her for two weeks, do not stress her out, move all other rabbits away from her and make sure she's in familiar surroundings. If in two weeks there are no signs of babies then you can take her to the vets.