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What are the silliest things your bunnies have done?

:lol: There are some funny bunnies on RU. Julie just acts all crazy running for food,binking sliding into walls and does the dog begging thing and falls over. Raul is much funnier and sneakier but he is a bird so not sure if it counts. He knows that he is free range in this room and always comes up with plots to get out with me. He tries to ride out on me when that doesn't work he tries to quickly walk out between my feet. My favorite is he gets on my back where I can not reach him and goes down my shirt. He starts planing his escape as soon as I get up from the computer before I even head for the door.
Rolo charging towards the fridge everytime anyone opens it.

Matilda, constantly jumping and falling off things!

periscoping and falling backwards!!
Frankie went up inside our old unused fire. Just her back legs were out :shock: We honestly didn't know there was a hole there, I got her out and she was covered in cobwebs :lol:
Fidget went in his cardboard tube and flopped, the tube rolled over and he ended up on his back with his legs in the air, still inside the tube.

Looked a bit confused, but he's done it a few times. You think he'd learn...:roll:

Also have to watch out for low-flying rabbits. They run, they binky and they just don't care where they land lol
I love these funny stories they are so good for cheering up. :):)

I love remembering the antics that Sherlock used to get up to (he passed to the rainbow bridge at the age of 9 months earlier this year).

He always used to have to have his curtains in a certain place (really our lounge patio curtains) and if they weren't he'd spend ages rearranging them. Eventually he had me trained (in an attempt to save my curtain bottoms) so they were in the right place.

Sherlock used to like winding up my OH - so he'd have been out for hours with me then Oli would come in and he'd start pretending to get up to mischief (like chewing broadband cables, or rugs, or anything) to get my OHs attention. My OH never believed that Sherlock was normally good.

Sherlock didn't like it when I went away on business so if I was away for more than one night on the second night onwards he'd starting thumping in the middle of the night on the second floor of his hutch (which was kept inside) so used to keep my OH awake. Never did it when I was home bless his little paws. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Adelle (still alive and living with a new husbunny called Bye-Bye - thank you Duchess for rescuing and bonding). On washing days Adelle loves running at high speed across our vinyl kitchen floor and then doing a sliding stop into the soft pile of washing.

Within 4 hours of us moving in, Adelle has also discovered which cupboard was the fridge, which cupboard held her bunny things and whenever either of them was open would come running and try and climb in or beg for things. Saucy mischief.

She also decided she was a mountaineer and used to jump climb up the stacks of packing boxes whenever she had the chance. She was forever giving me heart attacks the fluffy horror. In the end I can to create steps of packing boxes so at least she could come down safely.
lula jumped onto the top of the bin (which she does regularly) but i had taken the lid off!! :lol:

ages ago when i used to keep the buns on shavings i got a giant bale and had it in a corner of the shed, blocked off (so i thought) next morning i opened the door to a mountain of shavings and maisie has chewed through the plastic and actually bulit a warren INSIDE THE BAG!
i felt sick, if it had collapsed on her she could have suffocated in there but when i saw the warren i was slightly in awe! :shock:
Aside from binkies and 500s I don't think I've ever seen Woody acting silly, he likes to pretend he's sensible.

Buzz on the other hand is silly most of the time. Everytime he flops he rolls over too far on to his back and gets scared. When he stayed with my mum for a week it took less than a day for him to work out where the fridge was and how to steal veg from the salad box when the door was open. He's also fascinated by the empty fireplace in our kitchen and is forever getting covered in soot. Occasionally he becomes obsessed with one spot in a room - first it was the corner behind the washing machine and then the cupboard under the stairs. He'll do anything to get in there. We realised he only did it when there was some sort of mouse activity so it's quite a handy indicator that there's a problem or there's something in one of the traps. Thankfully he's not done it for about a year so I think we've got rid of the little blighters.
Jakey used to live indoors with me at uni, and he had a favourite windowsill he used to jump into which looked across to the house next door with a window straight opposite. Once he jumped onto the windowsill and there was someone standing in the window opposite and it gave him a fright and he fell off backwards off the windowsill, it was ok though, he landed on all fours onto a beanbag i had luckily placed under the window for his convenience! It happened so fast I wish I had recorded it bless him!
Not long after we had Harvey, and were still rabbit proofing the house, he jumped up onto the table, stole some paper out of the printer and ran off with it, refusing to let go :)