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What a difference 24hrs makes!


Young Bun
After spending yesterday stressing about bonding Harry with his new girlfriend Petal, I did some reading, went over the advice from the rescue lady and got into a much better frame of mind. The fact was yesterday's attempt was far from ideal, Petal had only been with us 12hrs and I tried putting them together when I was rushed and had my daughters with me. Quite simply, I wasn't in the right frame of mind.
To cut a long story short, I put them together tonight and it went really well. Lots of ignoring, a little humping and then they fell asleep next to each other! Petal let him hump her and didn't seem to mind. I pushed him off her after a few seconds of it after a few times and she didn't seem fazed. Only objected when he tried to hold on with his teeth, which is understandable. But the difference was, he wasn't fixated on it this time. He was buzzing at me for head rubs and was happy to be distracted with herbs and treats.
I know I'm a long way off and I need to be aware of his hormones and potential spats breaking out, but I feel so relieved as I can tell it'll be alright in the end. They were together for over an hour and I would have kept them together if I could.
I'm really glad things have gotten better :) keep persevering and they'll both thank you for it later!

My bonding is going to take a very long time. Like Harry, Logan is still humping but no longer with the same determination! So he gets distracted by a tasty bit of hay that he spots and will forget what he was doing, rather than on Saturday where nothing could stop him and he was stomping if I tried to hold him back! Bonding is a slow thing but it's definitely best for the rabbits and it's good for us too because we get the pleasure of seeing loved up bunnies which is one of my favourite sights :love:

I hope things continue to go in the right direction for you :D
Sorry if you've said already but did you get to the bottom of when Logan was neutered? Are your two still in restricted space?
Hopefully we're both on the right track now!
Sorry if you've said already but did you get to the bottom of when Logan was neutered? Are your two still in restricted space?
Hopefully we're both on the right track now!

No I didn't, he was only in rescue 4-5 weeks before I adopted him so I assume about 4 weeks ago if he wasn't already done when he was found, so there probably are some hormones still in his system, but even hormonal rabbits can be bonded given the right techniques and time so I'm going to persevere!

Mine are still in restricted space, and they will be until the humping is very uncommon, then I'll increase their space every 24-48 hours making sure there's very little humping, decreasing again if there is really incessant humping!

Logan groomed Lilly for the first time today, he also DBFed up against her :love: Lilly grooms him whenever he asks her to and despite the harassment she isn't threatened by him as she is perfectly happy to flop anywhere around him :) she's currently laid out and he's laid out perpendicular to her using her tummy as a pillow :lol:
That's lovely to hear. I need to work out how to progress with my two as they are outside buns and also it's difficult to find a long stretch of time to focus just on bonding. Might have to wait until half term when husband off work too and bring them into spare room with window open!
I bonded Harvey and Lilly as outdoor rabbits and did the "dating" method, I swapped which accommodation they were in each day after their date so both hutches would smell of both rabbits to minimise the chance of territorial behaviour, they had an hour or two date every day for about 5 days then I put them in their enclosure (which was way too small for 2 rabbits, which was good at least for bonding as they didn't have much space straight away). But their bond was very easy as they were both desperate for friends and neither was obviously dominant.

Not sure about other advice as I don't know much about bonding! I hope it all goes well, just go with what you feel comfortable with :)
After spending yesterday stressing about bonding Harry with his new girlfriend Petal, I did some reading, went over the advice from the rescue lady and got into a much better frame of mind. The fact was yesterday's attempt was far from ideal, Petal had only been with us 12hrs and I tried putting them together when I was rushed and had my daughters with me. Quite simply, I wasn't in the right frame of mind.
To cut a long story short, I put them together tonight and it went really well. Lots of ignoring, a little humping and then they fell asleep next to each other! Petal let him hump her and didn't seem to mind. I pushed him off her after a few seconds of it after a few times and she didn't seem fazed. Only objected when he tried to hold on with his teeth, which is understandable. But the difference was, he wasn't fixated on it this time. He was buzzing at me for head rubs and was happy to be distracted with herbs and treats.
I know I'm a long way off and I need to be aware of his hormones and potential spats breaking out, but I feel so relieved as I can tell it'll be alright in the end. They were together for over an hour and I would have kept them together if I could.

Sounding a lot more hopeful. Well done!
Two dates today and things getting better and better. Harry humped twice this morning but only once tonight. They were both laying down together and Harry groomed her head! Yippee!