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Well dressed Fred, Professor of Multiplication

Oh right, maybe I've spent too long in rescue then, because I don't see anything cute or funny about dressing rabbits up in clothes, in fact I view that as a form of cruelty, I see rescue as about giving rabbits the respect they truly deserve in their lives and I find these pictures rather upsetting.

Sorry but I totally agree too.

Dressing up any animal can be very distressing, and in particular rabbits. You wouldn't necessarily know if it's was absolutely freaked out because it's very likely that it would pretend to be dead (tranced) in order to be less interesting to the 'prey' around it. I bet if you could hear it's heart rate whilst dressed up, it would be dangerously fast.

Once again, the people who make this stuff do it to pander to people who want everything/ can't think of anything better to spend their money on and to make big bucks. Sad that some people fall for it and think it's cool. It most certainly is not. :(
i was told by my breeder to put a tshirt on my dog after it had been neutered-- it was to save him wearing a HUGE collar, cos he couldnt get through the doors in it! so we put him in a liverpool football shirt- he looked so funny. it didnt stay on long though cos he kept walking on it AND liverpool lost