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Water Freezing Help

I have 2 outdoor buns in seperate hutches. Each hutch has thick duvet with hutch hugger on top. They have a bottle each which is wrapped in tinfoil placed in a old sock then wrapped in a bottle snug - this freezes within a few hours ! They both also have a bowl which I'm checking hourly but is always frozen. Anyone have any ideas what more I can do ??? They have a snuggle safe each also I'm wondering if this would be of more use placed underneath the water bowls to keep them un frozen longer ?? Any ideas as I am working all day tomorrow and wont be able to check water.
The larger the water bowl the better as it will take longer to freeze. Pyrex bowls are best as they are less likely to crack in the cold weather.

Placing a snugglesafe under a bowl can help a bowl take longer to freeze.
We have the same problem at the rescue where I work. I have given up with water bottles completely - the nozzles freeze up in minutes, even if the water is liquid. I use bowls and go out and stir them regularly. We put a snugglesafe under our hens' water and that keeps it liquid for hours - only needs changing once in the day.
a few drops of glycerin in the water slows down the freezing, heat the bowls in the microwave and start with luke warm water. always a problem though. i tried heat pads underneath but the bowls got knocked off and left water everywhere! my veg is freezing too..:cry:
and start with luke warm water.

Actually sometimes the colder the water the longer it takes to freeze. Its called the Mpemba effect.

A few drops of Glycerine has helped stop mine freezing so quickly.
i've just put cat flaps and a snuggle safe in my rabbits sleep box. i made a fixing for for there water bottles on the inside and they havent frozon in there at all yet.