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Available Rescue: wait...till you see this georgeous single boy bun .

thats not that far ... im sure we can sort a homecheck ...

if you are seriously intersted OM me and ill go through our requirements .. ;)

he isnt neutered yet so wont be ready for 3 to 4 weeks with christmas coming up ..
My friend has alerted me to a male neutered bun that her friends children have grown tired of so I am having him this weekend.

Hope you find a home for Nomad though.

He is truly gorgeous. :love: :love:

Above spam post reported, BOG OFF SPAM!!!!:censored:

I am not a spammer I was genuinly interested but chose to help a rabbit in need closer to home which my friend told me about.

I take exception to being called a spammer :censored:

I am not a spammer I was genuinly interested but chose to help a rabbit in need closer to home which my friend told me about.

I take exception to being called a spammer :censored:


that will not have been aimed at you. the spam post will have been deleted :)