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wag optimum -v - science selective


Young Bun
hello i can no longer afford the SS so have plumped for the Wag Optimum. What do you think is it a good food for my buns?
my pair love it :D the pellets are tiny so you can get away with giving less but they still think they are getting loads. its easier to get hold of too.

i much prefer Wagg to SS, they have lovely shiney coats still too :wave:
Lots of people use it, it should be fine.

I'm just paranoid that the pieces are so small they might get inhaled and stuck :?
Can't really comment on Wagg as I only saw the mix of it once and it looked awful, I haven't seen the pellets - I thought Science Selectives was really cheap though, it's on offer at the Range and 3kg is only £3.49 which I think is really cheap.:wave: