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Very exciting day today, collected my rescue rabbits today :)

They are gorgeous and their setup is great!

One thing you said jumped out at me. You said Bertie was swaying? He's got red eyes so I wonder if he was scanning, it's something they can do when they have bad eyesight, it's like they're staring at nothing and their head sways from side to side.

Hey Jenova, thanks for your reply. Yeah I have done some reading on this site and asked about Bertie. I took them to the vets this morning and they said yes it could be his eyes as you mentioned. He sways his head from side to side gently every so often and then off he goes as normal. He's not tilting or losing his balance or anything. She said she didn't think it could be his ears or anything else as he's not showing any other signs or seems to be in any pain. He's been checked for EC and was negative. So she said to keep an eye on him as it could be neurological or his eyes. I'm hoping it's the latter! He doesn't seem to be bothered at all and is quite quick at regaining his territory after I've cleaned out their shed, he's not shy n has to inspect everything and everywhere to make sure he approves! Bless! Do you have rabbits with the same swaying at all?

Debs x