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URGENT Question


Alpha Buck

There has been an outbreak of both Myxi and Calicivirus (VHD) near where I live over here.

My buns are all housebunnies, their litter trays are changed daily so as far as I'm aware I've done all I can to lower the risk of them catching Myxi as much as I possibly can.

Roger, Barney & Lucy are all vaccinated against VHD, but Lily is not as she is too young (4 mths). The vet says she's too young, the rabbit rescue assoc. over here says she isn't. What's the best thing to do? I think she should be vaccinated.

If I insist the vet does it and something happens to her I'll never forgive myself but if I don't vaccinate her yet and she gets VHD I'll never forgive myself for that either.

She's also a bit poorly at the moment but on the mend. She had a bit of gas poor baby but is now eating, drinking and pooing again normally.

Also, the place where I buy the buns food sells bunnies and is not very far from where Myxi has been seen. It's the only food and hay they've ever eaten, do I stop going there? I can't change their diet with no warning and I don't have enough here to do it gradually as I've only just found out about the outbreaks.

What to do??
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No they're not vacc against Myxi. In Australia our stupid :censored: government won't allow it. The vaccine is illegal.

It doesn't make any sense when they allow vacc against VHD.
My bunn was 12 weeks when she had the VHD and 9 weeks when she had the myxi, no problems whatsoever with having them at that age, as for the food, it shouldnt matter if you change hay as long as its still hay, im not sure if myxi and vhd can be passed through food+hay but i would be carefull if you go to your supplier as ive been told the virus can be passed on shoes/clothing.
hope this helps
I'd reccomend a fly light in your house, as the virus is carried by biting insects and this will distract them away from your bunnies :wave:
That's what I thought.

It's off to the vet for Lily tommorrow then!!

I was worried about the risk of transmission from food/clothing.

Does anyone know if the virus can be passed through food that's in sealed bags?

Hay is hard to get over here too, so I'd have to find another supplier before they run out, as far as I know, the only other supplier is also near where I live so I'll have the same damn problem.

Oh man.
just read they havent had the myxi jab.. think your doing best thing by keeping them clean, another precaution could be to place mosquito netting over the cage as it can be passed through bugs and insects..
Thanks Kerry. I have citronella candles and use them at night when it's humid.

All the buns are housebuns and the dogs and cats are on preventative treatment for fleas so I think we're ok on that front.
Thanks Kerry. I have citronella candles and use them at night when it's humid.

All the buns are housebuns and the dogs and cats are on preventative treatment for fleas so I think we're ok on that front.

That's good they are inside the risk is decreased quite a bit by doing that :)
Ask the vet which vaccine brand they use and then check with the manufacturer what the age limit is. I'd be surprised if she is too young at 4 months. I think the VHD vaccine in use here can be given from 6 weeks.
Hi Aussiebun :wave:

Just wondering what part of Australia this outbreak is taking place.

I've always had my buns vaccinated against calicivirus and have mosquito screens on all windows and doors. It appears they can be vaccinated before 3 months but need to have a booster a month later. I have put a link here to the University of Sydney's School of Veterinary Medicine which explains the vaccination regime.


Doesn't it make you envious with all the goodies available in the UK whereas here it is difficult to even get hay other than lucerne. I have been using the Oxbow Timothy Hay and Bunny Basics/T pellets but I wonder about it as it has been seriously irradiated by the Quarantine Service.:roll:
Doesn't it make you envious with all the goodies available in the UK whereas here it is difficult to even get hay other than lucerne. I have been using the Oxbow Timothy Hay and Bunny Basics/T pellets but I wonder about it as it has been seriously irradiated by the Quarantine Service.:roll:

Got any horse stables near you? If the pet shop selection is a bit rubbish you might find there is a better choice in hay by the bale. If it's like here a whole bale would cost much more than a pet of pet shop stuff. The stable might let you buy a bale or part bale at a time or tell you who their supplier is.

You might be able to get timothy but good quality meadow hay is just as good.
Thanks Tamsin.

Unfortunately it is difficult to get much other than lucerne. I'm soon to view some oaten hay from a horse produce merchant. The last time I saw some it was quite brown and unappetising looking. Timothy hay is all but impossible to obtain in quantities less than a truckload and in some areas it is classified as a weed so you can't even grow it.:roll:

The market for decent hays doesn't take into account small pets. It is there but feed merchants don't seem to have any interest. I won't give up in my quest though.:)
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I think it's the Cylap too Jane :(

Bloody hell. Barney and Lucy didn't show any problems after there vacc's but Rogy had a saw paw and limped for a day or two.

Little Lily's tum seems better, she's eating, drinking and pooing again - I'm so relieved! I'll give her another day before taking her to the vet for the vacc I think, to make sure she's 100% ok.

Lobo - I'm in South Australia, down on the coast but still in the suburbs. The outbreaks have been in Hallett Cove and Brighton which are both near me, so if anyone else on here lives near either of those places or surrounding areas please take extra precautions if your buns are outside.

Both strains of this outbreak are particularly virulent. :cry:

Yes Lobo, it def sucks over here trying to get good quality hay for bunnies. I've had oaten and wheaten but as the buns are so used to Lucerne as it's the only hay that's easy to come by here they turned their nose up at both other varieties. Timothy hay was impossible to get, I tried everywhere.