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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Urgent help - poorly bunny -* Updated!!*


Warren Scout
Charlie came down a teatime and is just not right. He has eaten a little, drank a little but is just lethargic and still, just sat hunched in a ball. He could have eaten paper - could this have caused a blockage? what would be the symptoms? And he sounds really snuffly when he's breathing - wondered whether it was his snuffles that had got worse. Waiting for the vet to ring me back but would appreciate any help
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Great that you've 'phoned the vet already.
Why do you think he could've eaten paper? Yes, it could have caused a blockage, in whcih case he needs vet help asap.
Make sure he has water to drink, and maybe try tempting him with some dandelion leaves/ fresh herbs - run them under the tap first so he has maximum water intake.
If it were tummy ache, I'd recommend some tummy rubs and general chasing about, as this helps shift wind which is the usual cause of tummy aches, but with you saying about the breathing, I'd definitely try and get him to the vet today.
I said it could be paper because he eats everything and I found some paper remnants in his room. He is eating the leaves that I'm giving him and he's drinking a little water too but he's just sat with his eyes closed, poor love. He's only 8 months old and already he's been through so much.

I'm just hoping that his snuffles hasn't got onto his chest.

I've just seen him groom his front paws so that's a good sign isn't it? Also, his ears were cold earlier and now one of them is a little warmer!
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Hopefully the Vet will advise you to bring your Bun to the surgery for treatment tonight.
Please let us know how he is doing

Good that he's nibbling at leaves. Has the vet 'phoned back yet? I think it's quite urgent that he's sees someone today.

Well, as I suspected the snuffles seems to have gone onto Charlie's chest a bit. The vet has given him the highest dose of Baytrill that he can for his weight and he has to go back for the next few days for the same. Fingers crossed he will improve. He is eating what I give him although I'm going to stop giving him fresh veg as he needs to concentrate more on his hay and nuggets.

I didn't sleep a wink lat night - I was up every hour checking on him and making sure he was eating/drinking. I'm so tired now!!

Just want to say thanks to you guys for being there for me!! Fingers crossed!
Hi, Glad to hear he is still eating a drinking :) can I ask why you are cutting out his fresh veg though? when I have ill bunnies, i usually cut down on the pellets and give more fresh foods like herbs, grass and dandelion leaves. Can you maybe put a pro biotic in his water too and maybe he would eat some recovery :D I hope he gets well really soon xxx
Hi, Glad to hear he is still eating a drinking :) can I ask why you are cutting out his fresh veg though? when I have ill bunnies, i usually cut down on the pellets and give more fresh foods like herbs, grass and dandelion leaves. Can you maybe put a pro biotic in his water too and maybe he would eat some recovery :D I hope he gets well really soon xxx

Well the er vet told me to do that - He said Charlie needed to concentrate on his fibre intake. Perhaps it was my fault as when he was really ill he wouldn't eat anything so I was soaking his favourite (spinach and radish leaves) in water and hand feeding him (he wasn't drinking either) - he was taking it off me OK but wouldn't go looking for it so maybe the vet thought I was giving him too much. I was so worried that he would stop eating altogether!!

Anyway, I've given him a cabbage leaf tonight (although it's not his favourite and he turned his nose up at it!!)

As for the pro-biotic, vet said to give him it after he's finished the antibiotic injections as it wouldn't do any good at the moment. I always add rabbit vitamin to his water anyway.

So far, he seems to be doing really well although I'm aware we're not out of the woods yet!! His poos are normal size too and looking pretty good :oops:

Any more advice would be greatly appreciated!! :D
Hi :wave:

Glad he's a bit better! I know how you feel! i've recently bought my rabbit and he came down with snuffles the day i got him. He is off his antibiotics now and seem to be doing ok but it doesn't stop me from worrying! My vet told me to put Echinacea drops in his water. Althought this is not an alternative to the antibiotics it is supposed to help build the immune system. He is just on that now and i will tak ehim off that in a month.
has anyone else heard of this??

I hope this helps a little

Probiotics should be given in conjunction with Antibiotics in most cases, in order to support the gut flora against the negative effects of the antibiotics, although I believe these are worse when given orally. Giving it afterwards is acting as a cure rather than a preventative.

Our vets insisted we give probitics with the Trimethoprim our rabbits are currently on but this would be a much stronger antiotic than the one you are using.
Am due to go back tomorrow morning for his third injection (he has had Baytrill and an anti-inflammatory for two days but tomorrow I think he just gets the Baytrill) I will certainly bring up the pro-biotic question again.

Ab & Stu - will mention the drops to my vet and see what he says. Can I ask where you got your bunny from? Charlie has also had snuffles since we got him 5/6 months ago although I didn't know it when I bought him. I was a bit worried as a friend of mine has just bought a bunny from the same place and he also seems to have snuffles and I know of one other person too!! :(
I bet i can guess where you got bunny from!! I got Stu from P@H!!:shock: i know of three people who have had the same problem. They told me that it was their first case!! They did give me a full re-fund for vets fees but not before they told me i could take him back and choose another one:shock: I aksed them if they thought he was an item of clothing just to take back if he didn't fit!! They have told me they will look into the case, so i will be calling them back in a month! I wish there was more i could do as i worry if i had not found this web site i would never have known the signs. I worry about all te other rabbits out there that have it and as the owners are not aware and their bunnies suffer!

Sorry for such a long post!!

Not sure what your vet will this re drops as they are homeopathic (SP) and some vets just aren't into it!!:D
Am due to go back tomorrow morning for his third injection (he has had Baytrill and an anti-inflammatory for two days but tomorrow I think he just gets the Baytrill) I will certainly bring up the pro-biotic question again.

Ab & Stu - will mention the drops to my vet and see what he says. Can I ask where you got your bunny from? Charlie has also had snuffles since we got him 5/6 months ago although I didn't know it when I bought him. I was a bit worried as a friend of mine has just bought a bunny from the same place and he also seems to have snuffles and I know of one other person too!! :(

How is he now? I give all buns that are ever on antibiotics avi pro plus in their water. I don't see why he is saying wait until the antibiotic are finished!

Hope your bun is doing okay xx:D
Hope He's doing ok now,sorry to hear of the trouble hes had poor wee thing!!

I must admit i too have heard some stories about P@H, not just with the rabbits either,rats,mice and fish aswell! everytime i go in there there seems to be signs up saying certain animals are undergoing treatment,i dont know where they get their animals but some one should really look into it, ive heard way to many cases of illness etc for it to be coincidence!!