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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Urgent Help Please UD ~*~ hes home and reboneded with myxi

don't worry about the money hun, if it comes to it, ask your vet if you can pay it of weekly or if you can come to some arrangment, im sure they will...its great news he is pooing :D
I paid so much out with Honey plus taking her to the eme vets at 2am, but i would of paid anything at all to have got her well. my heart goes out to you, & it sounds like good news, & he really is in the best place.
God bless you, he is lucky to have you has his mummy :D
don't worry about the money hun, if it comes to it, ask your vet if you can pay it of weekly or if you can come to some arrangment, im sure they will...its great news he is pooing :D
I paid so much out with Honey plus taking her to the eme vets at 2am, but i would of paid anything at all to have got her well. my heart goes out to you, & it sounds like good news, & he really is in the best place.
God bless you, he is lucky to have you has his mummy :D

aww thank you holder that is so sweet made me feel like a good bunny mummy as theres lots of times i felt like a bad one lol
ok so here goes if anyone could help i would be grateful....

as he has gut stasis does this mean he will be prone to it in the future?

what can i do to prevent him from getting it again?

how did he get it in the first place?

is there any medicines i can buy so that next time ill be able to do something for him straight away or something i can give him like maybe once a month to keep him healthy?
hes home i cant believe it. when i got to the vets he didnt notice me at all and just turned his back on me no licks or anything the vet said that he had never seen such a character before, said that there were poos all over the cage, i asked if he had been using his litter tray? and the reply was he tipped it upside down and pood on top of it :oops::lol: i am currently reuniting him with myxi and keeping a close eye on him, thanks everyone for all your help and support and vibes x
thats fantastic news & just to say you're really lucky with your vet mine charged me over £200 & Munch only stayed 1 night Is your bun moulting heavily at the moment because maybe hes ingested a lot of fur while hes been groomijg himself or Myxi, I think thats what causes a lot of Munch's problems. Needless to say hes groomed at least twice a day every day to try & stop it happening again
Awww thats the best news i have heard all weekend :D
I have been waiting to read up on your little man lol ... im sorry i can't help you with what to do if this did happen again, & i pray it never does, has i lost Honey to it :cry:
I know if it was to happen to the 2 boys i would have them straight in the same day he they stopped eating.
I wouldn't worry about him, he will soon come round & will be kissing you very soon, hes just showing you he didn't like being left in the vets lol OOooooh im sooo happy for you both :D
Well done hun for being a wonderful mummy to him xxx
thanks you wont believe how excited i am to have them home, i am so fed up of people laughing about me worrying over a bun especially my nan but she soon stopped when i told her it was an illness he was likely to die from had he not gone in.

anyways hes showing me what a big boy he is by eating lol :roll:
the vets were laughing at him as well, i had a message on my phone from the female vet saying hes quite a character and thrown his food bowl across the hutch and stuff

then the male vet said he had never seen such a character as his im so glad hes home
Ignore the numpties who are laughing at you. We on here know exactly what you were going through & how much you love our bun because we all feel the same about ours
thanks kipper, my dad was quite concerned and my parents were brill offering to help with the bill as they know how much i love him but ive always had problems with my nan as im the black sheep but she soon sopped when she realised how serious it was but god its like i posted a while ago about her being adamant that buns and pigs coyld live together fine
they are currently flopped out and cuddled up will take some pics soon x thanks again everyone for all your help, support, vibes and kind words x