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Uh Oh I Lost Frodo!


Wise Old Thumper

I went to get him today to put him out to play. But when I turned around he was gone, his haybox was empty.

Looking closer though, I saw this:

And then a wee nose appeared!

Phew, I found Frodo and here he is coming up for air :lol:


Here I is mummeh.

And off he goes again.

Thanks guys :D

It was a proper tunnel. I saw him one minute and the next he was gone until OH told me where he was:lol: I think he has done it in response to the cold weather. I thought he was very clever and cute to have done that :love:

Amanda we have 5 atm. 5 more living with my parents but they are really family buns as I grew up with them and they are still going strong :D Our oldest is 10.5 years, was recently diagnosed with glaucoma but she seems to be beating it. She is a celeb down at the vets :lol:
Thanks guys :D

It was a proper tunnel. I saw him one minute and the next he was gone until OH told me where he was:lol: I think he has done it in response to the cold weather. I thought he was very clever and cute to have done that :love:

Amanda we have 5 atm. 5 more living with my parents but they are really family buns as I grew up with them and they are still going strong :D Our oldest is 10.5 years, was recently diagnosed with glaucoma but she seems to be beating it. She is a celeb down at the vets :lol:

Awwww I remember you saying last year. So lovely to have supportive parents.