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Treats from Wilkinson


Warren Scout
Hi everyone, my daughter loves buying bits for our bunnies from Wilkos, they have the trio of balls and their dandelion forage, mainly. Today she bought them some treat sticks - are they ok? I was a bit concerned about the puffed corn and wheat content .. are there any real nasty's here?

My bunnies absolutely loveee these and I first brought them the first couple of weeks after I got the bunnies before I knew that they shouldn't have certain grains and stuff. Quite honestly, I'm not 100% sure how good they are for them, but I don't think that they are particularly bad for them, especially if one is given between them :)
Most of the ingredients seem fine except for the puffed corn. Thre is always a risk with treats that there is just something which might upset a bunny's tummy. The best thing with rabbits imo is to stick to hay.
If I ever get sticks like that I tend to break them into small pieces so they only get a little at a time. Not only does it last longer it tends to prevent upset tummies.

As tonnibun said, the ingredients seem fine but I'd be weary of the puffed corn.
Thanks everyone - they only get treats occasionally, it's Bugsy's 2nd birthday on Tuesday and she's bought them for him :) we break sticks up too as Tallulah has a habit of picking any bigger pieces up and running off with them, even taking pieces out of Bugsy's mouth if they're big enough for her to get hold of.
The best treat from Wilkos is the meadow hay rolls. Reasonably priced and my buns love them x :thumb:
Mine love the Munchie Sticks (I think they're called) they're in a white box and are sticks of different colours, orange, white and green I think. They don't contain any sugar/sugar derivatives and I either break one in half between them or they have a whole one each, but they love them!