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Transporting rabbits long distances


Young Bun

I've just been thinking about christmas (hard not to with mince pies cropping up in the shops) and this led to plans with what to do with my rabbits (2 medium sized rexes). They will be at least coming with us to my parents which is less than 2 hours away (where they can stay happily in their colapsable run - designed for a temporary hutch) but we'd like to take them down to my parent-in-laws too which will be 4 plus hours away.

Our exisiting transporter which is a cat carrier will be deffinatley too small for the long run (and possibly a bit too small for the shorter journey). At the moment my plan is to get them an indoor rabbit hutch for the travel down and still take the run for there hutch with a nest box (it's 5 x 2 x 2 so not quite perfect size but will do for a week). Is this a good idea and are there any other options or things i should consider?


Jem and Rosie and Humphrey
It's actually better to transport them in a smaller area like a cat carrier. Rabbits feel safe in a small enclosed space (like being in a warren). Also, if you have to hit the breaks suddenly they are much less likely to be injured because they are can't go far, rather than flying the length of a large area.

You can get large cat carriers if your is a bit small (ideally about the size for two bunnies to stretch out and not much more - about 18" by 2' would be about right. Fill it with hay and offer water at regular intervals :)
