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torturing myself over pearl (again)

When Vinnie had his breathing problems i worried about him everyday:( Sometimes Miffy chased him alot and he got worn out,or he wouldnt eat his food straight,I knew evently id have to make that decision,but actually i never did:( Im sure you will know with pearl,i have done with all mine xxxx
No worries. I had my first bun PTS due to an inoperable facial abscess. I discussed 'end points' with the vet so we knew the signs that the mild discomfort she was generally in had now progressed. Her demeanor totally changed from the friday to the monday that it was done, and i just knew. So she went peacefully and painfree but i knew she had had every happy day she could have had. I hope its the same for Pearl.
i just caught her lying down on the bed :love::love::love::love::love:

if her heart didnt feel so wrong when i hold her id start to think she was having me on to get extra treats :?