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Today I've left two of my bunnies at a rescue... UD59 Home and photo

i actually just let out a stupid girly squeal when i read the update:oops: really pleased its going so well:D
i actually just let out a stupid girly squeal when i read the update:oops: really pleased its going so well:D

Aww, thank you. I guess the idea of bonded bunnies is very special when your bunnies have refused to bond :cry: I've been really lucky as I just chose Tink and Roo as well and they are very happy together.
They're home.

Well home but I'm stressed.

They got home about 11.30 am and when I let them into their new pen she went under the shelf and he went onto the shelf and pretty much that's where they stayed for the next 5 hours or so.

I nipped out at about 5.00 pm - they had just started wandering around and and encountered each other but not shown much interest in each other. When I got back in there was clumps of fur around the place and they were back in their respective corners. :? Both are still eating and not unduly stressed. I rang Sonya for advice and she said to watch for it happening again and only separate if I'm concerned and she will have them back for a few more days. I think *probably* the biggest thing that could go wrong at this stage is the owner flapping and putting stress onto them and that causing friction.

I have looked in on them every ten minutes or so since then and they have spent a bit of time exploring together, I've even seen her grooming his eyes which seemed to freak him out a bit :shock: She had tried to do it earlier and he just backed off. They've also both been lowering their heads at each other and getting nowhere. They will do things like both munching hay in different parts of the pen whilst watching each other and looking calm.

Hopefully they will be alright after their one spat (they didn't do any fur pulling etc at Bunny Camp). I don't want to separate and I don't want to go to work tomorrow and leave them either.

*I've just been to visit again and they actually looked quite amicable. They touched heads for quite a while, I don't think it was grooming, not really sure what it was but seemed like pleasant communication. :)
It's not good for the nerves is it, this bonding lark!

It's no doubt just the move into a new area that's unsettled them a little. I hope it all remains very calm and they settle down soon. :):) And then we can have photos. ;):D
Thanks Karen.

I half-slept in the next room, setting my alarm for every 2 hours to check on them. I didn't need the alarm as it turned out as I kept getting up to check anyway. They were always in separate corners, though were in different parts of the pen each time (nobody keeping to the same corner as 'theirs'), no sign of animosity.

By this morning Elijah would run over for a treat and Erin joined him. Their little faces squished together, no animosity but not really bothering much with each other. She kept either grooming him or asking him for a groom and then moving away when he wasn't keen. I'm happy to go to work and leave them though. (Not happy to go to work you understand as I will be clock watching all day as per usual) but confident that my bunnies will be okay in each others company. :D
Thanks Karen.

I half-slept in the next room, setting my alarm for every 2 hours to check on them. I didn't need the alarm as it turned out as I kept getting up to check anyway. They were always in separate corners, though were in different parts of the pen each time (nobody keeping to the same corner as 'theirs'), no sign of animosity.

By this morning Elijah would run over for a treat and Erin joined him. Their little faces squished together, no animosity but not really bothering much with each other. She kept either grooming him or asking him for a groom and then moving away when he wasn't keen. I'm happy to go to work and leave them though. (Not happy to go to work you understand as I will be clock watching all day as per usual) but confident that my bunnies will be okay in each others company. :D

I'm glad they seem a little better this morning!!:)
I'm sure they were just a little unsettled to start with, hope they continue to settle for you :wave:
It'll probably just take them a little time to get to know each other. I'm glad all was quiet; that's got to be more promising than scuffles. :D
Thanks everybody for your words of encouragement. :D

I feel much more positive tonight. When I popped home at lunch time they were again snoozing separately but came begging together and very amicable around each other. As I left I saw her grooming his eyes again and he was quite accepting of it. :love::love:

I gave them a Fenugreek Crunchie each and he ran off with his and ended up next to her, realised his potential mistake and ran off again :lol::lol: He then, having finished his crunchie went to see if she needed helping out with hers and hoovered up the crumbs and she was happy to let him :love::love::love:

They have been wandering around together this evening and I've seen them communicating with each other as they wander round. They were next to each other eating carrot not trying to move away from each other and quite contented.



Video. It's a bit dark and just two bunnies munching but watch it if you've nothing better to do ;)
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I was downstairs in the kitchen directly below their room and I heard a scuffle, I'd been outside for about 1/2 hour so no idea if there had been any more. I ran up and there was no fur about the place and not much action. She was sitting in the litter tray with him next to the tray they were moving towards each other and I wondered if I'd mis-read what I'd heard. Then she went for him and they were scuffling. I put a carrier in and he went straight into it. :cry::cry::cry: I haven't the energy to leave them together, I'm exhausted and I can't leave them while I go out. I've used all the floor space for the pen which I can't easily divide so she's in a too-small cage for the night. She can have a litter tray to herself, no need to defend it now :?

I can't belief it :cry::cry::cry: That must be what happened yesterday as most of the fur was in or near the litter tray. It was brand new, not her territory.

Too tired to think and plan. I'll just feed and cuddle all bunnies.
I'm so sorry Alison, it all sounded so promising ... and those photos. :love::love::love: I understand how awful it is to watch (and probably would have done the same :oops:) but I'm wondering if you could have removed the litter tray so that there was nothing to dominate and see how that went. ?

Give all bunnies a cuddle from me too. :love:
I'm so sorry Alison, it all sounded so promising ... and those photos. :love::love::love: I understand how awful it is to watch (and probably would have done the same :oops:) but I'm wondering if you could have removed the litter tray so that there was nothing to dominate and see how that went. ?
Give all bunnies a cuddle from me too. :love:

I'm so tired I can't function, not even to have thought of that. I couldn't sleep if I left them together and I would make myself ill. I have to go to work tomorrow anyway and there's no way I could leave them after seeing the way she went for him. Sonya did say she would have them back if I felt I needed to separate. Right at the moment I just wouldn't put him at risk, I'm not being logical as I'm exhausted. I haven't done the self-employed work I should have done at the weekend, I just have no time to watch over them at the moment. It probably will work, I'm just not rushing into it. I'm also just taking the previous owner's word for it she is spayed - I don't know if her ownership of they litter tray could be a clue something needs addressing. She has been extremely placid otherwise.
You must be exhausted Alison - it's often easy to suggest things as an outsider with a 'fresh brain' and no emotional attachment to the bunnies in question so don't feel too bad. ;) Even if you did remove the tray, you would still need to watch them afterwards and you sound very tired, so I don't blame you at all.

I hope you get a good night's sleep. :)
Urm, have you tried installing two smaller litter trays in opposite corners of the pen? then they can have one each?
Just an idea, though I know it can be costly if using the posh corner trays... Poundland do rectangular ones if that helps?
Was it just a scuffle or a full on fight??
If there was no blood present and just fur everywhere then that is perfectly normal. I have bonded rabbits who have been "scuffling", I have found the best thing to do is to sit with a water spray bottle and spray the instigator (or both) when a scuffle starts to break it up. If it is a full blown fight then the rabbits should be separated and given a few days to calm down. A full on fight is distinguishable from a scuffle as the rabbits will literally lock on to each other and there will be scratches bites and blood.

In otherwords, if you try again don't be too hasty to separate them after a scuffle give them a spray or if that doesn't work break them apart, but leave it as long as nobun is getting really hurt.

Also litter trays can be a source of territorial aggression during bonding (I found this out during my 4some bonding) that one rabbit, if in any way territorial decides to claim the litter tray as their own before they are bonded then he/she will fight to defend it. Next time try without the litter tray, it will mean more mess but hopefully less aggression. Don't try with multiple litter trays as believe me they can get territorial over both of them :roll:
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I wouldnt put any litter trays in for now, take them back into a small space today and see how they go. I had 5 weeks of this and actually thought i would collapse with exhaustion and lack of sleep when bonding four so i feel your pain and its so frustrating when you are desperate for them to settle and get on.
Thanks for the advice MichG and Nursecroft.

Unfortuantely I have to work. I'm out of the house for 8 hours today. I can't leave them together. I can't not go to work. I just don't have the free time to watch them this week.

I can't leave them in that space with no litter tray as it's carpet based (brand new carpet) - on top of my bedroom carpet - probably the only decent carpet in the house. I can't have them weeing on it. I have no alternative floor space to provide quickly for them (too much furniture).

It was a spat not a fight but I couldn't watch them as I was chronically tired and needed to sleep.