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To neuter or not to neuter

Like humans - all buns are different. Out of our 4 boys - Sheldon was very hormonal, as was Prudhoe. Bobo and Lenny had the odd moments but nothing much more than circling and a bit of honking - oh, and I got sprayed in the face by Lenny :love:

Prudhoe our latest bun was the worse case I've ever heard about - he was SO hormonal. He fell in love with my hubby (you can imagine the jokes that came out of that :lol:) and when out having free range time, my hubby would have Prudhoe permenantly attached to his lower leg, humping it. The spraying was non-stop (will have to re-paint all our walls:roll:), as was the pooping - and Prudhoe was just a hormonal mess - we really felt so sorry for him:(. We had him neutered as quickly as we could and the difference 6 weeks later is immense. He still adores his daddy and still honks around him and occasionally sprays - but he also goes off to explore, and climb things he shouldn't and binkies like a loon - he is such a happy boy now he doesn't have to deal with the hormones.

Even with Bobo and Lenny who weren't bad at all - they still had days of being hormonal and you could see how frustrated they were - and Shelley was just a blithering mess sometimes too.

It just seems kinder to me - as we were in no way going to breed from them - to have them done, and then let them get on with being the happy, daft little things they now are.

And yes - it also removes the small risk of testicular cancer as well - so win win in my view.:thumb: