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Thumping and grunting


Mama Doe
I've read a few similar threads, however just wondered what people's thoughts were.

My little one has recently become a stroppy madam. She's not yet spade as only just turned 6 months. She's not aggressive in anyway (i.e. lunging, biting etc) just now thumps her back legs wherever she is, even in her little box where she feels safe, still binks around the room but that's after a thump and then does little grunting noises as she runs around the room.
She'll also sit and thump and grunt and I can't see of hear anything (I know rabbits have better hearing than ourselves!). She's fit and healthy, no problems with not eating food or pooping...the grunting usually stops when she gets attention from me but obviously can't do this 24 hours a day so she'll run off with a stomp and a grunt. It's quite amusing but also very annoying...

Any ideas or is it just srping fever? ;)
If she hasn't been spayed it's quite possibly spring fever indeed. But my little lady, long spayed, takes strops at the slightest thing and it's not unusual to have her looking for petting one minute and stamping the next.
On Saturday I emerged from the bedroom wearing high heels, which I only wear occasionally, and was greeted with a flying kick, followed by a thump and a challenge to a fight! I assume she didn't like the noise of my heels, but she's only just friends with me again since last night.
Some rabbits do tend to be moody. I'm use to this. I work with teenagers!:lol:
Spaying will help, definitely. I had a Frenchie who used to grunt a lot, she wasn't aggressive but a bit stroppy. That all disappeared after the spay and she settled right down.
The part about thumping then running round the room with jumps & twists sounds like "predator escape practice". She'll probably hold her tail firmly down when she does this (to show other rabbits that it's practice & not a real alarm). It's also done to show off to you how fit, & suitable she is as a partner!!

Thumping can mean all sorts of things in domestic rabbits. It's how my bun gets my attention if I've ignored nudges, so it = "I want".
Occasionally it's because I've really annoyed him accidentally = "that's NOT on".
Occasionally it can be danger.
He has different types of Thumps for each situation. Yes, he's called Thumper!
Tinks is about 5 months now, and in the last fortnight i've been circled and honked at, lunged and growled at, and actually chased through the house!!

she's off to the vet tomorrow!!!! :lol:
Tinks is about 5 months now, and in the last fortnight i've been circled and honked at, lunged and growled at, and actually chased through the house!!

she's off to the vet tomorrow!!!! :lol:

:lol: silly little things. Got to say I've not been lunged at or growled at. Just grunts and stroppy stomps. I caught one on video, I don't think you can hear the grunt but that was after 1 min of "ignoring" her whilst I did something. I think I;m used to it as I used to have a doe nethie and she was a real MOOD to say the least. I used to get attacked when I tried cleaning her out. I never got her neutered though as I didn't really realise it was best for them when I was 13....
Definatly get your bun neutered before the hormones well and truly kick in and the grunting devlops into lunging and biting.