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This rabbit still hasn't got a home.. free ads Wrexham

The run is totally fox proof as it is on concrete embedded yorkstone and has fox proof weld mesh sides and lid. I have the chance of a larger 4' hutch as from the weekend..
I'll phone Katie later to arrange what time we are meeting. .. I've got to pick the children from school in 5 mins so will do the phoning later..

Karen x
I'd put her in the hutch at night, even if the run is fox proof. Some bunnies seem to die of the shock of seeing a fox.
And yes, it would be nice to see some photos, after seeing the same one again and again on Freeads. :D
Spacegirl said:
That sounds like really good news then! But PLEASE can we have some pictures when she is settled in? :D
Absolutely!. Hopefully picking her up tomorrow so will try to post some on Friday evening. As she will be in a larger hutch than I'd initially planned she will be locked in overnight
Hi Hilda, Phoned katie but theres no answer... I'm off out in a bit to the childrens Xmas bingo if you get chance can you try ringing her ?
I can meet from 9.30 am up until 1pm.. I've just got to give myself enough time to get back for the children from school.. If she can'd do that time it will have to be after 4pm.....

I won't be later tonight hopefully should be home for 8pm latest...
Well..I picked her up this morning. Thanks Katie and Karen for doing the early morning relay. :D Thank goodness I got a bigger hutch as she is much bigger than I'd anticipated. She seems very fat, but hopefully a couple of weeks of having access to a run will help that. I've got her booked in with my vet(who's a lovely rabbit specialist) for a thorough check and vaccinations on Monday. I'm not going to take any photos until tomorrow as she seems very stressed,poor thing. When I got her home I gave her a quick cuddle(she seems like quite a snuggly bun) and then put her straight in the hutch and will leave her there today and try to resist the temptation to disturb her till tomorrow morning.
You are brilliant Hilda you really are!! Thank you so much for taking lady.
Thank you for buying her that new cage & carrier she'd going to ba a lucky girl.... U keeping her name or changing it ? She's a beautiful girl isn't she ?
Let me know how she gets on I'm sure with your love & attention she will become a much happier bunny...

Once again thank you ..... Thank you to Katie aswell..

Karen x x
I'm thinking of calling her Furbie, as I'm sure that she'll look like one when her clipped hair grows in. When I put her in the hutch she went to one corner(not in the darker sleeping area oddly enough) and just sat there facing the wall. I've never seen a bun do that before. I should have asked..does anyone know her feeding regime? My two have a small hadfull of Burgess excell pellets in the morning, are grazing on the grass for at least 5 hours, have a small handful of mixed greens when the go back to the hutch at night and unlimited hay throghout the day. Will it be ok to start her with the same regime immediately, or should I try to phase it in?
If you don't know whether she's been fed on veg or what dry food, I'd keep her on hay for a couple of days and then gradually introduce pellets. Give only a small amount and slowly increase. Check for an upset tum or anything, and if she's fine then give her a little time on hay and pellets and then slowly introduce veg like you would to a new/baby bun - one type at a time and only a small amount, slowly increasing.
If she's overweight she shouldn't have too many pellets anyway, and it might be worth looking into a hay/veg only diet (and avoid sugary veg like carrots)
Thanks for that advice Karly. I'll stick to hay only until she's seen the vet on Monday afternoon. I wonder if she's ever had the chance to run about. When I put her on the table at home the only direction she moved in was backwards :?
Might be worth asking katie what she fed her... Poor little girl I wonder why she sat facing the wall..
I'm sure she'll settle in nicely in the next few days..
Katie said she thought Lady/Furbie hadn't been handled at all & seemed very scared everytime she opened the cage..
When she was with her breeder owner I'm sure everytime the cage opened a male was put in there to try & mate with her no wonder she's scared....
Anyway before you know it I'm sure she'll be exploring her run & enjoying the fresh air...
No Hilda, I would say she'd never been able to have a run about ever! She was in a hutch when I collected her it was a dark barn so not much light for her either..
The girl was a very young breeder & in school in the day & she would clean the rabbits hutches out on an evening & that would be it no playtime at all for the bunnies.... :(
When we first bought Willow home he would sit in the corner facing the wall a lot. Now he only does it occaisionally. I think she's just a bit frightened but I'm sure she'll settle in soon. Glad you've taken her, she's such a cute bun :D
Hi chloaster. I decided against taking photos as the poor wee(not as wee as I'd thought!!) thing was quite stressed, so I put her in her nice new hay and straw filled hutch and will leave her alone till tomorrow. I went out 5 mins ago to put a heat pad under the bedding. I'll post some piccies tomorrow, I promise. :)
He hasn't seen her yet as he didn't want to add to her stress. He didn't even blink an eye when I told him I'd gone and bought a bigger hutch.... I was scrolling through the piccies of a fab shed conversion under the housing thread and said he reckoned it was a great idea..so now the seed has been sown :wink: Foster? Who mentioned fostering :wink:??? :?: :?:
LOl... I can't wait for my shed converted I'm so excited about it...
My hubby doesn't care what i spend on the bunnies even though at the moment we only have his wage coming in,I don't buy myself anything though I buy the children whatever they need oh & the bunnies!
KatieB has a hutch for sale £40 I'm so tempted to get it so I could take in another one.. That would mean I could foster or maybe adopt 2 or 3..

I would like 2 bonded bunnies that could live in the shed & run.. I will have to see how bertie & Molly get on 1st though.... Molly has her vacs on Monday & the vet will check her over.. I go to lavister nr Chester they are not the cheapest but sre so good with the buns...