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This forum can be NASTY!

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I can be quite blunt when I reply to advice. It's why I don't do it often.

No, I wasn't perfect when I first got rabbits. I was far from it. But, I took on the advice that I was given and improved my rabbits lives. I get sick of spending time giving advice, just for someone to say "No, I won't spay them. Too expensive." or "Oh well I don't want to pay for emergency vets."

I don't think there's anything more frustrating when you dedicate your life to your pets than to see people refuse to give their animals the lives that they deserve. I get sick of trying to be polite to people who would rather let their pets die/have a poor quality of life just because they don't fancy paying the money for it or refuse to believe that rabbit care has moved on from what it was 20 years ago.
Yes sometimes people can be a bit blunt in their replies, sometimes they are in a rush because they are off to help a sick rabbit or are at work. Sometimes its the third or fourth time that day they have given that advice, sometimes their reply just comes across differently written down to the way it sounded in their head.

We would ask all members to read the forum rules and report any posts that they feel break them
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