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Think I failed myself

Carma will be coming home later today. They ended up reopening and flushing out and she is on a high dose of anti biotics and metacam to help ease the pain.

I am extremely angry with Lolas vets. The operations yesterday was to spay and possible eye removal if it is real bad. After she had come round from GA they called the fosterer and said the eye is real bad and cannot be saved, she will need it removed asap :shock: Why on earht didnt they do it yesterday whilst under, the whole point of it!! :evil: Now she will have under go surgery again to get the eye removed asap as the infection is so bad its eating away the eye, also putting her at risk. I have told the fosterer not to go back there and use another vet as they are also real expensive, so far outstanding cost for lola and charlie is £391 for anti biotics, eye ointment, pwder stuff for in the food to help with snotty nose and a spay :shock: I will be calling them later to send me a invoice so i can clear the account there on monday, great seeing as funds are now left at £128, but I will pay the rest anyway to clear and close account there. I personaly feel they did this to get extra money for doing another operation? I will also be asking them why they didnt remove the eye there and then!!

*sigh* These poor cats really do deserve the best chance and unfortunatly the vet there hasnt responded accordingly putting Lola at more risk :(

Hopefuly once Carma is back she will recover fine now, finger crossed for her as she isnt exactly fit, very under weight at 1.6KG now and a low immune sytem. I have bought some Phytopet immune plus drops to give her also to help boost her immune system abit.