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The ultimate line up pigture

Awww I didn't know you had so many, they're all gorgeous! How did you get them to stay still?!

They are all quite well behaved:lol: I have two boys as well but obviously couldn't add them to the pigture or I might of ended up with lots more:lol::lol::lol:
*squee!!* :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

We have three indoor piggies in a 42" X 56" cage. They're bedded on a "piggy bedspread" (www.piggybedspreads.com) and get a full cleanout weekly. They don't smell and the fleece bedspread makes them very easy to clean out. :)

Aww they are all gorgeous. I have 24 piggies myself! Dont think i could line mine up would take forever :lol:
Awwww what stunning piggies!! You have a thing for Rex/teddy's then?! Shame I can't line all my piggies up, but they are nearly all boys so it would turn into a riot!!

My pony's full name is Baby Belle... she'll be very pleased to hear theres a scrummy baby piggy with the same name!
I'm always amazed how piggies sit still and pose for group photos like that - if you tried it with a group of buns most would run off, or turn their back on you, or eat the camera...