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The Mixed Breed Rescue Rabbit

Totally agree Jane, i think most of mine are 'cross' breeds and are all lovely :love:
My mum has a pure bred silver fox called Phoebe (she came with one of those bling rings on too, but we felt it was chavvy so had it removed :lol: ) and she is the biggest moo head ever, hates being touched and God forbid if you try and pick her up :roll:
I agree! All 4 of mine are mixed breeds and perfect in every way!



See! Perfect and very beautiful! I wouldnt have it any other way.:love:
Make sure she's taller than Eric though - you don't want her to keep bashing him with her sticky-out lugs :lol::lol:

that wouldn't be difficult - eric's either lay flopped at my feet or crouched with his head on the floor demanding more nose rubs:roll:
Totally agree Jane, i think most of mine are 'cross' breeds and are all lovely :love:
My mum has a pure bred silver fox called Phoebe (she came with one of those bling rings on too, but we felt it was chavvy so had it removed :lol: ) and she is the biggest moo head ever, hates being touched and God forbid if you try and pick her up :roll:

chavvy :lol:
my favourite breeds here are my mixed up rabbits who i label....
chinchilla multicolour with a touch of orange.....

dora: chinchilla x with a nethie x with an uppy eared bun!(we think)

arthur: greylop crossed with something else!!!

and coco: cross scottie dog with a lionhead and a tiger(he occasionally growls and had orange stripes in the summer!!!!
now :

disclaimer: arthur on the pic there is when we first got him, he was underweight and in poor condition... but here he is now..
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My baby is x-agouti ans shes great in fact no matter what animal cross or not they are all gorgeous all do the same thing only in their own way. Tell me your pure bred doesnt poop eat and sleep? chew chew and bite occassionally.
I hate it when people say my dogs just a mongrel that term went out way back its offensive and nasty!
Why cross? My bunny aint cross its just the way she looks sometimes can we have anicer term?
any suggestions...
All breeds and mixes of breeds are beautiful. I have yet to see an "ugly" bun. If there is some magical difference between purebred and a mix, someone has yet to tell these rabbits! They binky like psychos regardless. :lol:

I've seen an ugly bun.....it was a neddie that sort of looked like a staffie and suffering from the inverse of lollypop head....unfortunately he was in for bonding so we had to be very polite.

I don't think any of mine are pure breeds. Rosie came from a breeder (surplus stock about to be dumped on the common) but she's obviously got some dutch in her somewhere which makes her extra cute.
No idea !!! His back paws are the size of a labrador's he is shorter than a 'proper' conti and he doesn't know what to do with his ears ..... and I :love::love::love: him !!

Ah lol, i dont think my little Jose would appreciate a friend of that size lol
My first bun was rung

The Smirnoff came from a garden centre, he was called Arthur, & had been returned twice for "aggression" - he's sulky, & grumpy but never bites:lol: He's a pure bred lionhead apparently. But he looks less lionheady than all my crosses:lol:
My first bun was rung

The Smirnoff came from a garden centre, he was called Arthur, & had been returned twice for "aggression" - he's sulky, & grumpy but never bites:lol: He's a pure bred lionhead apparently. But he looks less lionheady than all my crosses:lol:

i just had to look up what 'rung' meant:oops: now realise i am very thick:lol: oh well, so long as i can take care of my son and my furry friends i don't really care:D (got lots o them paper certificate things sayin i'm clevva too - think i'll line eric's litter tray with em:roll:)
I've seen an ugly bun.....it was a neddie that sort of looked like a staffie and suffering from the inverse of lollypop head....unfortunately he was in for bonding so we had to be very polite.

I don't think any of mine are pure breeds. Rosie came from a breeder (surplus stock about to be dumped on the common) but she's obviously got some dutch in her somewhere which makes her extra cute.

3 of mine are no oil paintings but I love them all the same :)

Mango Fattyharebit:


When I first got her the oh remarked 'she hasn't got the sort of face you could fall in love with....'

Foster rabbit Bunny Clifton:


Oh refers to this one as 'the boggle-eyed freak'

And of course, Custardapple Furrypods:


Now who was it who said 'she looks like she could melt spanners to a bench with that look of hers...' :shock::lol:
3 of mine are no oil paintings but I love them all the same :)

Mango Fattyharebit:


When I first got her the oh remarked 'she hasn't got the sort of face you could fall in love with....'

Foster rabbit Bunny Clifton:


Oh refers to this one as 'the boggle-eyed freak'

And of course, Custardapple Furrypods:


Now who was it who said 'she looks like she could melt spanners to a bench with that look of hers...' :shock::lol:

Awww the 2 lops are gorgeous with their lil grumpy mush's :love:

the rew does freak me out slightly tho