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the Herbinator


Mama Doe
I love this little man so so much he is such a fighter.
Had our panacuar this evening and we are most disgusted :lol:
Awww bless him.

Mottle is having his baytril mixed into ellas kitchen organic baby food. He has it in the evening and was looking for it this morning! He looks well cute licking it off the flat stone that I serve it up on x

Mabe panacur could be disguised with something (if you dont already do that)?
Awww bless him.

Mottle is having his baytril mixed into ellas kitchen organic baby food. He has it in the evening and was looking for it this morning! He looks well cute licking it off the flat stone that I serve it up on x

Mabe panacur could be disguised with something (if you dont already do that)?

normally id try that, but with how thin he was his tummy so sensitive to things i darent try:oops:
hes on hay and herbs until we kick the worms out his tummy, then hopefully we can try introducing pellets again :shock:

We are having to burrito Poppy when she has her baytril..! She just tries to launch herself off if she isn't wrapped up!
Hehehe. We play chase the mouf he let's me in up the syringe then the last second he moves.
He fell asleep last night in bed with me for two hours :)