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Sudden change of temper???


Warren Scout
Hi all :wave:

Popcorn and Jelly started to behave quite strange recently. They have always been very calm, well-behaved buns after neutering.

Recently Popcorn started to show like he is in the state of shock all the time, he is scared of everything and everyone, even us. He is always hiding in their little igloo.

Jelly is in the other extreme... she is digging like crazy in their litter tray and their litters were flying all over the place, tearing puppy pads and make a mess... :roll: I'm cleaning their tray & pen 3 times a day and I'm so tired... consider she used to be very calm and well behaved, this is lie 180 degree change! Jelly gone wild:shock::shock::shock:

I had a thought and the reason might be we let them out wondering in the living room almost all day last week and they get locked in this week when we go to work and they get mad and angry at us... is this reasonable???
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