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Strings of poo?!!


Warren Scout
Hi, earlier in the week I posted this about my rabbit being ill and not eating:

Could this have been caused by strings of poo inside his tummy? As I have just cleared up where the run has been and found several strings of 4-5 poops, joined together by what I guess is fluff from the buns. Would this have caused enough discomfort in his tummy to stop him eating for a day? He's back to normal now thank goodness! When they had stringy poops before I looked it up and saw that some people try and feed their buns pineapple orpineapple juice, I couldn't get mine to eat this last time :(

They're not long haired buns, just normal cross dwarf lops, they do moult but only fluffy bits. Would this be enough to cause strings of poo?!
yes when moulting they tend to ingest lots of hair and it can cause blockages etc. as far as i know, the pineapple thing is a bit hit and miss and the sugar in it can actually cause more problems - i think you can get the active ingredient in capsule form that helps? but i dont know what it is, sorry! hopefully someone a bit more helpful will come along :lol: i do know that lots of fibre in the diet can help pass it through without problems so try and increase their hay/grass consumption as much as possible when moulting :thumb:
Thanks elmoandfern, you are very speedy at replying! :) I've just read that tree leaves and twigs are good for guts/ stringy poo so I will get soem from my dads garden today when I pass! Sandy is back to his normal happy self and scoffing everything again thank goodness!! :) They're out free range skipping around the garden at the moment :)
Thanks elmoandfern, you are very speedy at replying! :)

that's because i'm supposed to be revising and this is a very welcome distraction! :shock:

the active ingredient is bromelain and you can get it from health food shops i think :) glad he's back to normal though!
Hmm.. I'm bad at trying to work or revise... distractions are too easy to succumb too! What are you revising for?
Yeh, I might look into those tablets, although the buns should be alright if they just eat enough hay???