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Story of a Non Hay Eater


Young Bun
Hi all,
Just wanted to share the story of my lil nethie Minnie's diet.
Minnie was adopted and lived on muesli, lots of muesli. And no hay. As a result, she had teeth spurs, which are very painful and expensive to treat.
When we got her, we gave her hay and she thought it was a game and would throw it over her head and then sit on it.
We tried a couple of different hays from Pets at Home and the local pet shop. No interest.
Then I searched this forum and came across The Hay Experts. I ordered a selection pack of hay and dutifully tried each one out with Minnie.
Eventually she started eating hay! She'll only touch Readigrass and mainly when I hand feed it to her, but it's such a breakthrough! I'm already Minnie's underling so the hand feeding and buying of special hay is actually just part of my job :D
If anyone is reading this and has run out of ideas to get their bun to eat hay, seriously try http://www.thehayexperts.co.uk selection pack.

Big thanks to the forum once again!
Thankfully Doughnut eats a lot of hay but she loves the Excel Herbage one with marigold and it smells lovely, not sure if you're tried your little on on this.
Thankfully Doughnut eats a lot of hay but she loves the Excel Herbage one with marigold and it smells lovely, not sure if you're tried your little on on this.

She hasn't tried that one exactly but she's tried others with timothy hay, herbs and marigold. I'm just so happy that I found one she loves and it isn't too difficult to get hold of!